Valli del Pasubio

A mountain vacation destination

Valli del Pasubio is a charming municipality located in the province of Vicenza, in the Veneto region. The town, with its population of 3036, is crossed by the SP 46 of Pasubio road, which connects Vicenza to Rovereto and is surrounded by beautiful mountains that attract hiking and nature enthusiasts. In particular, the Pasubio group, the Sengio Alto range, and the Carega group offer tourist itineraries of every level, from easy hikes suitable for families to more challenging routes for experienced climbers.

Valli del Pasubio has two hamlets: Staro, located between the town center and Recoare Terme, and S. Antonio del Pasubio, situated on the SS 46 of Pasubio road towards Rovereto. The municipality itself is a renowned and appreciated tourist destination, attracting numerous visitors every year in search of relaxation, nature, and adventure.

History of the municipality

Valli del Pasubio is the result of the merger of two different communities, with very different histories and administrations. On one side, on the banks of the Leogra river, was Valle dei Signori, so named because it belonged to the lords of Vivaro, feudal lords of the bishop of Vicenza. On the other side, on the left bank, was Valle dei Conti, belonging to the Maltraversi counts, counts of Vicenza.

The origin of the municipality dates back to the High Middle Ages, when the area was inhabited by Germanic ethnic groups called Cimbri. These settlers had reached the area thanks to its strategic location as a natural connection between the plateau of Sette Comuni and the Lessinia, as well as between Trentino and Vicenza. Over time, the Cimbri assimilated into the Latin population of the area but maintained their languages and traditions thanks to the presence of priests who were native German speakers.

Already in 1297, the Valle area had its own parish, the chapel of Santa Maria, which depended on Torrebelvicino. In the 14th century, the area came under the domain of the Scaligeri family and under the administration of the civil Vicariate of Schio, which it maintained until the end of the 18th century.

Pasubio valleys: between mountains and nature

Hiking routes

The mountains surrounding the municipality of Valli del Pasubio are ideal for hiking enthusiasts. Among the most famous hikes in the Pasubio group are the Strada delle 52 gallerie, the Strada degli Scarubbi, Bocchetta Campiglia, Passo Xomo, and the Strada degli Eroi. These hikes, some of which require adequate preparation, offer breathtaking views and the feeling of being immersed in pristine and lush nature.

But even families and those looking for less challenging routes will find numerous options. For example, the path of the Green trail is an easy and short walk along the Leogra river, immersed in lush greenery and flower-filled meadows.

In general, the mountains and valleys of the Valli del Pasubio area are ideal for those seeking a break from everyday life, to regenerate and discover the beauty of nature.


Valli del Pasubio is a municipality that attracts visitors for the beauty of its mountains, its millennial history, and its strategic location. The fusion between Valle dei Signori and Valle dei Conti has given birth to a dynamic town rich in naturalistic and cultural attractions.

Hiking routes are many and suitable for all levels of preparation, making this municipality the ideal destination for those who love to spend some time in nature, in contact with breathtaking and suggestive panoramas.

If you are looking for a regenerating vacation in a land with a unique and authentic charm, Valli del Pasubio is the right destination for you. Discover the natural beauty of a unique land, and let yourself be enchanted by its timeless beauty.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Nov 13, 2022