
Welcome to Valledolmo, between history and nature

Hello everyone, today we'll talk about Valledolmo, a Sicilian municipality located at the foot of the southwestern Madonie Mountains. With its 3232 inhabitants, Valledolmo is a small village surrounded by nature that conserves a very interesting historical and cultural heritage.

History: from feudal lords to barons

Valledolmo has a very ancient history that has seen the passage of numerous civilizations: Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Arabs. But what makes this place unique are its feudal lords and barons who have left a strong mark in the history of the town. The fiefs of Valle dell'Ulmo, Cifiliana, Castellucci and Mezzamandrianuova were part of the County of Sclafani, until the feudal lords sold them to Giacomo di Giorlando in 1582. Subsequently, the barony of "Valle dell'Ulmo" became the property of Antonio Cicala, who purchased the fief from Pietro Lo Squiglio, baron of Galati. Its descendants, including Giuseppe Cutelli Cicala, continued the work of enlarging the town and the feudal palace. In the following years, the barony passed from hand to hand to the various heirs, including the last baron, Adenolfo Maria Lucchesi Palli, Prince of Campofranco.

Valledolmo: a mix of history, nature and gastronomy.

Contemporary age: the fascist aqueduct

During the fascist twenty-year period, Valledolmo received a new water pipeline that finally satisfied the needs of its inhabitants. This very important public work brought great benefits to the community, which could finally have running water in their homes.

Nature in the municipality of Valledolmo

Valledolmo is located on the slopes of Pizzo Sampieri, an imposing mountain range that is part of the Madonie chain. In fact, the territory of the municipality is characterized by a breathtaking natural beauty: the intense aroma of the Mediterranean scrub, the steep rock walls, the splendid waterfalls, and the streams that flow between the mountains. Furthermore, Valledolmo is only a few kilometers from the Madonie Park, a protected natural area that offers great opportunities for trekking, mountain biking and outdoor sports.

What to visit in Valledolmo

Valledolmo is an ideal place for those who love to visit the characteristic villages of Sicily and learn about their history and traditions. Among the architectural works to visit, it is worth mentioning the magnificent feudal palace erected by the Cutelli Cicala family, the Church of the Holy Souls where the body of Antonio Cutelli rests, and the Church of the Holy Savior, built on the ruins of an ancient Norman castle.

Valledolmo's gastronomy: between flavors and traditions

Valledolmo's cuisine presents a wide selection of traditional dishes and local specialties that use fresh local products. If you love land cuisine, try the classic pork sausage ragù with fresh pasta, homemade cavati with walnuts and wild herbs, or baked ricotta and pumpkin ravioli. For seafood cuisine, on the other hand, try spaghetti with sardines and fennel, or sardines "beccafico" style.


Valledolmo is a municipality that has a lot to offer to those who want to travel and discover the history and nature of its territory. Among its mountain slopes, waterfalls, and orange groves, there is still today a historical and cultural heritage that tells the story of its feudal lords and the populations that lived there. Local gastronomy, furthermore, gives us the opportunity to taste authentic Sicily, made of simple and tasty flavors. You just have to come and discover this little treasure of Sicily.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022