
Discovering Camposilvano: between history and nature

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about a beautiful mountain town called Camposilvano, a hamlet of the scattered municipality of Vallarsa, in the province of Trento.

History and description

Camposilvano has ancient roots, having been founded by charcoal burners in search of coal. During the Second World War, the village was the scene of clashes between partisans and German soldiers, but today it has returned to being a peaceful holiday village. It is located at an altitude of 1000 meters and is about 5 km from the Veneto border.

Camposilvano is immersed in nature, surrounded by mountain chains such as the Piccole Dolomiti and crossed by two streams: one that flows into Lake Speccheri and one that feeds the Leno. This village is home to about sixty people, but during the summer or Christmas period, many families decide to come here on vacation.

Camposilvano: history, nature and culinary tradition.

Monuments and places of interest

If you decide to visit Camposilvano, you cannot miss the church of the Santissima Trinità, located in Vallarsa. It is a very suggestive religious architecture, which certainly deserves a visit.

But what makes it a unique place is above all its natural beauty and its wildlife. Camposilvano is in fact the ideal place for those who want to enjoy a regenerating vacation in contact with nature. Here you can breathe clean air and come across numerous species of animals that live freely in the surrounding woods.

La Ganzega del Bosco

One of the most important events held in Camposilvano is La Ganzega del Bosco, a traditional festival that attracts tourists and visitors from all over Italy. It is a festival in which the inhabitants of the village gather to share moments of celebration and joy. La Ganzega is associated with mushroom picking, which is a real tradition in this mountainous area.

During the festival, moreover, the inhabitants of the village prepare numerous culinary specialties typical of the Valle dei Mocheni, where the village of Camposilvano is located. Among these dishes, the most famous is certainly the canederlo in brodo, a delicious and substantial dish that every visitor should try.


In summary, if you are looking for a breathtaking landscape and a place where you can relax in close contact with nature, Camposilvano is the ideal destination for you. Here you can discover a unique culinary tradition and participate in the festival of La Ganzega del Bosco, an event that will remain in your memory for a long time. I recommend visiting this splendid holiday village at least once in your life. You will not regret it!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Aug 11, 2022