
Welcome to Trivero!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Trivero, a beautiful municipality of 5,508 inhabitants located in the province of Biella, in Piedmont. The municipality is located in the district of Ronco and also includes Mosso, Soprana and Valle Mosso. Trivero is an important wool center and is the gateway to the panoramic road that crosses the Zegna Oasis. But let's see together what this municipality offers!

The history of Trivero

Trivero has a long and interesting history. During the Middle Ages, the village belonged to the feudal lords of the area. In the fourteenth century, it was involved in the clashes between the followers of Fra Dolcino and the bishop and feudal troops. In 1379, Trivero became part of the domains of the House of Savoy, together with much of the Biellese. In 1798, the tree of freedom was erected. In 2019, Trivero merged with Mosso, Soprana and Valle Mosso to become the new municipality of Valdilana.

Trivero: History, Monuments, and Panoramic Beauty

The symbols of Trivero

The coat of arms of the municipality of Trivero was granted in 1953 by decree of the President of the Republic.

Monuments and places of interest

In the area of ​​Bulliana is the sanctuary of Our Lady of Brughiera, one of the most frequented in the north-eastern province of Biella. Near Trivero there is also the Sanctuary of Mazzucco, originally dedicated to Mary and Bernard of Clairvaux, and then particularly to Anna.

The society of Trivero

The population of Trivero has had an interesting demographic evolution over time.

The anthropic geography of Trivero

Trivero has many hamlets, such as Barbato, Barbero, Barozzo, and many others.

The administration of Trivero

The municipality was part of the abolished Val Sessera, Valle di Mosso and Prealpi Biellesi Mountain Community, and until 2010 belonged to the Valle di Mosso Mountain Community.

The picture gallery of Trivero

In the picture gallery we find the church near the sanctuary of Our Lady of Brughiera and the panorama from the 232 Panoramic Zegna State Road near Bielmonte.


Trivero is a very interesting tourist destination, not to be missed for history and culture lovers, and for those who want to enjoy the panoramic beauty of the territory. I hope this short article has intrigued you and that you will want to visit Trivero as soon as possible!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Friday, Jul 29, 2022