Valera Fratta

Valera Fratta: a municipality in the province of Lodi

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about a small municipality in Lombardy, called Valera Fratta, which is located in the province of Lodi. The municipality has only 1734 inhabitants, but has a long history behind it and many symbols that represent it.


Valera Fratta has ancient origins and definitely dates back to Roman times, when there was a large rustic villa and a necropolis here. The first official mention of the name Valera, however, dates back to 1209. Over the centuries, Valera has undergone various transformations, but has always been part of the Lodigiano district.

In the twelfth century, the Cistercian monks of Chiaravalle acquired land in the area and founded a grangia, a farmstead managed directly by the monks. And so the distinction between Valera Nova or Fratta (with the grangia and the surrounding dwellings) and Valera Zucca or Vetula, the oldest settlement, was born. Only in the sixteenth century were the two Valere unified from an ecclesiastical point of view.

With the unification of Italy, which took place in 1861, administrative changes were introduced that led to the Valera Fratta of the post-war period. In the following years, Valera experienced all the phases of restructuring of Italian society, from the "boom" to "Milan to drink", from the great boom of the Internet to the crisis of recent years.

Valera Fratta: The small municipality in Lombardy


The Municipality of Valera Fratta has a coat of arms and a gonfalon. The coat of arms represents a castle in the shape of a tower with a central golden door, on a white background. The gonfalon is made up of a blue flag with the emblem of the Municipality in the center.


Valera Fratta has seen a constant demographic evolution over the years. In 1951, the registered inhabitants were 859, but by 2001 they were already 1208. In recent years, the population has stabilized around 1700 inhabitants.

On December 31, 2009, the foreigners residing in the Municipality of Valera Fratta were 207, equal to 12.40% of the total population.

In conclusion, Valera Fratta is a small municipality with a long history behind it and many symbols that represent its importance. Its demographic evolution over the years has been constant and testifies to the desire of the inhabitants to grow and open up to the world.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Wednesday, Feb 9, 2022