
Welcome to the Valdieri Thermal Baths!

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about the Valdieri Thermal Baths, a thermal station located in the province of Cuneo, famous for the healing properties of its hot sulphurous waters.

History and Curiosities

The hot spring has been known for centuries, but the first thermal facility dates back to 1588. Throughout the centuries, the Valdieri Thermal Baths have been visited by kings and nobles, who initiated important restructuring and modernization interventions. For example, Vittorio Emanuele II built the famous summer residence of Sant'Anna, a few kilometers from the Thermal Baths, and allocated one of the thermal chalets to his mistress, Rosa Vercellana. As you can see, the Valdieri Thermal Baths are a place rich in history and curiosities!

Valdieri Spa: Relax and Treatments in a Splendid Mountain Location.

How to get there

The Valdieri Thermal Baths are located in a splendid mountain location, at the confluence of two valleys, but are easily accessible by car. The facility is open from May to September, while in winter the road that connects it to the fraction of Sant'Anna is closed due to the risk of avalanches.

The thermal waters

But let's get to the most important thing: the thermal waters! The hot sulphurous waters are classified as hyperthermal sulphate-chloride-sodic sulphurous, with a temperature in the deep water table of 130°C, corresponding to a depth of 4,500 m below the earth's surface. The waters are particularly suitable for the treatment of rheumatic, otorhinolaryngological, dermatological, liver and metabolism diseases, and gynecological problems. In addition, thanks to the beneficial properties of water, there are various thermal treatments available, including mineral waters, thermal algae and natural caves.

Services and Treatments

The facility offers many services in addition to thermal treatments. For example, the outdoor pool is maintained at a temperature of 36°C, thanks to the hot sulphur water spring. In addition, the Valdieri Thermal Baths are affiliated with the National Health Service, which means that thermal treatments can be carried out at reduced rates.


The Valdieri Thermal Baths are one of the most well-known thermal stations in Italy, thanks to the beneficial properties of its hot sulphurous waters. The facility offers many possibilities, from conventional thermal treatments to the outdoor pool, to outdoor activities that can be carried out in such a beautiful and unspoiled area. If you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy wellness, the Valdieri Thermal Baths are definitely a destination to consider!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, Jan 2, 2023