
Valdengo: A Province in Piemonte

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Valdengo, a charming municipality in the province of Biella, in Piemonte, Italy. Valdengo, or "Valdengh" in Piedmontese, has a population of around 2,388 inhabitants and has an interesting history and numerous places of interest to visit.

Origins of the Name

The toponym "Valdengo" has the Germanic prefix "vald," suggesting the meaning of "forest," which leads to the hypothesis that the town, already present in Roman times, was refounded by Germanic populations.

Valdengo: history, monuments, and twinning with Meolo.


Valdengo has an ancient and interesting history. The municipality's coat of arms, granted in 1941, features the stripes of the Avogadro family's coat of arms, a Vercelli family present in Vigliano and Montecavallo. Valdengo also preserves several religious buildings, such as the parish church of San Biagio, rebuilt in the 17th century and with numerous works of art inside.

Monuments and Places of Interest

For history and art enthusiasts, Valdengo offers several places to discover. In addition to the Church of San Biagio, we can visit the Castle of Valdengo with the ricetto and the noble chapel of Santa Caterina. The Church of Sant'Andrea, mentioned in a papal bull from 1184 as a cell of the Benedictine Order, was rebuilt in the 17th century and contains a 17th-century stucco altar.


The demographics of Valdengo have undergone several changes over the years, but the current population is around 2,388 inhabitants. Valdengo is developing significantly, thanks to the commercial and artistic activities that are growing in the town.


Valdengo was part of the Mountain Community of Val Sessera, Valle di Mosso, and Prealpi Biellesi, and until 2010 belonged to the Mountain Community of Prealpi Biellesi, abolished following the merger ordered by the Piemonte Region in 2009.

Infrastructure and Transport

Valdengo is well connected to nearby centers, thanks to the presence of several infrastructures and stops of the Biella-Cossato tramway in the past and the Biella-Cossato-Vallemosso railway over the years.


Since 2021, Valdengo has been twinned with Meolo, a beautiful metropolitan city near Venice.


In conclusion, Valdengo is a municipality in Piemonte with an interesting history and important religious monuments and places of artistic interest. Its population is growing thanks to the growth of commercial and artistic activities. If you want to discover a hidden gem in the heart of the province of Biella, do not hesitate to visit Valdengo!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Oct 16, 2022