
Hi friends! Today I will talk to you about Valdagno, a beautiful municipality in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto, with a population of approximately 25,614 inhabitants and a territorial area of 50.20 km².

Physical geography

Valdagno is developed around the Agno stream, from which it derives its name. The city extends in the Agno valley, on the hills surrounding the Piccole Dolomiti and Alti Lessini. The presence of Agno has influenced the city's growth, providing water to the inhabitants and promoting the textile industry. The Agno valley is oriented from west to east, with the penetration of winds and air currents from the Adriatic Sea that influence the climate. Valdagno is crossed by the state road 246 of Recoaro, which connects it to the north with Recoaro Terme and to the south with Cornedo Vicentino.

The hydrographic system

The city is crossed by several streams, which increase only in periods of rain. The riverbed of these streams is made up of large basaltic rocks, with plants and shrubs on the banks that retain the soil but can create obstructions to the water flow during periods of heavy rain. The Agno stream is the important body of water that crosses the city, receiving twenty tributaries. The presence of Agno and the nearby green areas constitutes an environmental value for the city.

Valdagno: the Agno valley amid hills and forests.

The forest

The forest of Valdagno was formerly used for timber and foliage for livestock, but today it appears as an intricate tangle of plants, such as blackberries, vitalba, sanguinella, and Sambucus. Broad-leaved trees predominate in this forest, with black and white hornbeam, maple and mountain maple, chestnut, and greater ash in wetter areas.

Agricultural Cultures

The hilly area of Valdagno was once an agricultural basin, where vineyards and corn cultivation were predominant.

Origins of the name

The name Valdagno derives from the contraction of "valley of Agno." According to a local historian, the name would come from the Latin "Vallis Alnei," meaning "valley of the alder tree."


Period before the 20th century

The city of Valdagno is mentioned for the first time in a document from 1179 relating to the church of San Quirico. The name derives from Agno, the stream that crosses it. The etymology of the name Agno is not certain, and some derive it from the Latin "Alnus" ("alder tree"), the term "Amnis" ("river"), or the term "Agnus" ("lamb").

20th century period

Valdagno is famous for being the city where the Marzotto textile industry was born and for having been the headquarters of the Italian hotel chain Jolly Hotels. These companies have played an important role in the city's economic development.

If you come to visit Valdagno, do not miss exploring the beauty of the Agno valley, taking a walk in the woods and visiting the historic center of the city. I hope you liked this summary! See you next time, friends!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Jan 9, 2022