
Welcome to Valbrevénna, a municipality in Liguria

Hi friends, today I will talk to you about Valbrevénna, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Genoa, in Liguria. This welcoming village has 741 inhabitants and is located in the picturesque valley of Valbrevénna. The municipal headquarters is located in the Molino Vecchio hamlet, which is one of the historic inhabited centers of the area.

A brief geographic description

The Valbrevénna valley is one of the smaller ones in the upper Scrivia valley and is located northeast of Genoa. Valbrevénna is part of the Regional Natural Park of the Antola, which means it is surrounded by untouched and spectacular nature. The territory is delimited by the Brevenna stream, which originates from Mount Antola and flows for about 23 km before flowing into the Scrivia River at the foot of Casella. The territory of Valbrevénna has altitudes ranging from 427 to 1,597 meters above sea level, and is formed by numerous hamlets distributed along the valley floor and on both sides of the Brevenna stream valley.

The peaks of Valbrevénna are many and all marvelous. Among these are Mount Cremado, Mount Duso, Mount Buio, Mount Arvego, Mount Carmo, and many others. The fauna and flora in this municipality are very rich and varied. The Castanea, Quercus petraea, carpinus, and fraxinus woods are the refuge of many animals, such as deer, roe deer, and foxes, while at higher altitudes there are pastures and meadows.

The territory of Valbrevénna is predominantly mountainous, with steep slopes and few cultivated areas. However, the agricultural areas that are present have been organized into terraced walls, many of which unfortunately are in a state of neglect.

Valbrevénna: authenticity and nature in a Ligurian valley.


The municipality of Valbrevénna is not very old, it was only established in 1896. Before then, the various hamlets were part of the neighboring municipalities of Casella, Montoggio, and Savignone. The first municipal headquarters was located in Carsi, then moved to Molino Vecchio in the thirties of the twentieth century when the valley floor road was built.

Despite the young age of the municipality, the Valbrevénna valley was inhabited since pre-Roman times, as evidenced by the finding of tombs dating back to the Iron Age near the La Cà locality, near Molino Vecchio.

Life in the Valbrevénna valley

Today, Valbrevénna is an active and hospitable community. The inhabited centers are generally located halfway up the slope, following the paths of the ancient mule tracks that crossed the valley, and there are also many semi-abandoned centers that create a unique atmosphere of romance.

The municipality is still predominantly agricultural and tourism is not very developed, but there are still many outdoor activities that one can engage in, such as excursions and trekking, horseback riding, and mountain biking. The valley also offers many opportunities for sport fishing enthusiasts, particularly for trout fishing.

Valbrevénna has many local traditions, and life in this municipality is still very much tied to nature and rural traditions. The inhabitants of the municipality are hospitable and friendly, and the tourist who visits Valbrevénna can enjoy an authentic and unique experience.


In conclusion, Valbrevénna is a wonderful municipality that offers an authentic and unique experience of life in a Ligurian valley. The municipality is surrounded by untouched nature, has many local traditions, and offers many opportunities for outdoor activities. The inhabitants of Valbrevénna are friendly and hospitable, which makes this municipality even more special. If you are looking for an authentic vacation to discover nature, Valbrevénna is the perfect place for you.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Wednesday, Apr 13, 2022