
An overview of the province of Macerata

Hello! Today I'll tell you about the province of Macerata, a beautiful region in Marche with a population of 303,684 inhabitants. The provincial capital is Macerata, so if you're planning a visit, you might want to start there. The province of Macerata is the largest in Marche, covering km². Read on to learn more about its geography, economy, infrastructure, and more!

Physical geography

It's a mostly hilly province, with only 32.3% of its territory being mountainous. It's bathed by the Adriatic Sea to the east and borders with the province of Perugia to the west. Since 2004, it's the only Marche province that borders with three other provinces of the same region: Ancona to the north, Ascoli Piceno to the southwest, and Fermo to the south. The province of Macerata also extends to the territories of the Valnerina, a wonderful natural area that's definitely worth a visit.

Discover the province of Macerata: geography, economy, and infrastructure.


The economy of the province of Macerata depends mainly on small, highly specialized businesses, among which stands out the footwear sector. Furthermore, in 2006, the Bank of the Province of Macerata was established, which contributed to increasing the region's economic well-being.

Infrastructure and transportation

Before the advent of the automobile, the province of Macerata was crossed by important historic roads that led to Rome, some of which date back many centuries. The most important of these was the Via Lauretana (Umbria-Marche), which connected Foligno to Marche through the beautiful Altopiani di Colfiorito before descending to Serravalle di Chienti and reaching the renowned Santuario della Santa Casa in Ancona.

With the arrival of the train, the province of Macerata saw itself reached by several railway lines, including the one that connects Rome to Ancona through the Valico di Fossato di Vico-Fabriano-Vall'Esina. Among the railway routes of particular interest is the one that starts from Albacina, just after Fabriano, and reaches Civitanova Marche, after passing through the provincial capital of Macerata and the other major cities in the area, such as Montecosaro, Stazione di Tolentino, Corridonia, San Severino Marche, and Matelica. Additionally, Camerino was connected to this railway at Castelraimondo with the now-disused and dismantled Ferrovia Castelraimondo-Camerino, replaced by a bus service.


In sum, the province of Macerata is one of the most beautiful regions in Italy, with breathtaking landscapes and a great variety of places to visit and things to do. If you're planning a vacation or a trip to this province, you should take the time to discover all that it has to offer. You'll definitely be glad you did!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Friday, Apr 29, 2022