
Ussana: A Commune in Sardinia with Ancient Origins

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Ussana, a commune located in the province of South Sardinia, with a population of 4099 inhabitants, which has very ancient origins. The toponym "Ùssana" appears for the first time in a document from 1326, where it is indicated as "villa Ussane", which means "village of Ussana". Over the centuries, the name has undergone various transformations and we find various forms, including "Usana", "Ossane", "Ussena" and, finally, "Ussana", which definitively spread from the mid-seventeenth century onwards.

Meaning of the Toponym Ùssana

As for the meaning of the toponym, there are various hypotheses. Some experts believe it to be of Sardinian or Nuragic origin and can be found in other Sardinian toponyms such as "Úsana", "Usanis", "Usinavà" and "Usini". Others, however, suggest an Etruscan origin, finding a correspondence with the anthroponym "Usuna".

Ussana: between history, art, and Sardinian traditions.

History of Ussana

The territory of Ussana has a very ancient history. Settlements dating back to the early Neolithic period have been identified and the Romans built various works there, including baths. In the Middle Ages, the village was part of the judicate of Cagliari and later became part of the domains of the Pisan family of Della Gherardesca, who also owned the castle of Baratuli, located on a hill between Ussana and Monastir. In 1324, Ussana passed to the Kingdom of Sardinia Crown of Aragon and became the property of various feudal lords until the nineteenth century. In particular, the village was granted with the title of barony by the King of Aragon Peter IV of Aragon "the Ceremonious" to Raimondo di Montpadone and later passed to the Amat di San Filippo, which was redeemed in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system, becoming a commune administered by a mayor and a city council.

What to See in Ussana

Ussana is a village rich in history and typical of Sardinia. Among the things to see is the parish church of San Sebastiano, dating back to the eighteenth century, where you can admire the frescoes by Giuseppe Marini and the valuable statue of the Madonna with the child. Ussana is also famous for the tradition of carasau, a special type of bread typical of Sardinia, very thin and crispy, still produced today by the village housewives. Moreover, you can visit the Roman baths, which constituted a real thermal station equipped with pools, saunas and environments dedicated to baths.

Ussana Today

Today Ussana is a lively and active commune, which organizes numerous cultural and religious events throughout the year. Among the main events, we remember the feast of San Sebastiano, patron saint of the village, which takes place every year on January 20th, and the procession of San Giovanni Bosco, which takes place on January 31st. Furthermore, Ussana hosts every year the Sagra dell'Anguria, an event dedicated to the typical summer fruit, which takes place on the last weekend of July and includes tastings, musical and gastronomic shows.


In summary, Ussana is a commune in Sardinia with ancient origins and a history rich in events. The village boasts numerous cultural and artistic treasures, including the parish church of San Sebastiano and the Roman baths. If you find yourself in Sardinia, I highly recommend visiting Ussana to discover its beauties and participate in the life of the village.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022