
Exploring Usini: history and physical geography

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Usini, a Sardinian municipality located in the province of Sassari. Usini, also called ''Ùsini'' in Sardinian language, is a small city with about 4214 inhabitants and is located in the historical sub-region of Coros, in Logudoro, about 8 km from Sassari and 25 km from Alghero. The city's territory extends over an area of 30.7 square kilometers and is situated at 200 meters above sea level. Usini is mainly known for its high-quality products and awards in the field of wine, which have led it to become one of Italy's wine cities.

The climate of Usini

The climate of Usini is typically Mediterranean, which means that summers are hot and winters are mild and humid.

Usini: history, geography and culture of the wine city.

The history of Usini

The Usini territory has an ancient and fascinating history. The oldest evidence of human settlements dates back to the recent Neolithic period, around 3,800 BC. These settlements were inhabited by pre-Nuragic populations, who enjoyed favorable geographic conditions and fertile land suitable for cultivation. The presence of spring and river water provides important clues about the daily life of these populations. The Usini area is scattered with domus de janas, rock-cut tombs that are a testimony to the life of the ancient peoples who populated our territory.

The area was frequented in the Nuragic age, although there are few megalithic monuments. Nevertheless, numerous tombs with an architectural prospectus have been found in different places, including: Molineddu, Chercos, Necropoli di S'Iscia 'e Sas Piras, Tomestighes, and Sos Baddulesos. One of the most important archaeological discoveries in recent years is the series of isodomic blocks found at "S'Iscia 'e Su Puttu", squared, ornate, with a "T" shape, perfectly polished and with cavities. These blocks are similar to those used for the construction of sacred springs.

The territory surrounding the city of Usini was also the scene of a series of settlements between the Punic and Roman Republican and Imperial periods. There is evident proof of such settlements throughout the city's territory, such as Su Acchile and sa Cheia, Pianu 'e Rughes, Su Runatolu, Santa Caterina, Sas Giorras, Ruinas and many more.


Here is the brief history of Usini, a city that is part of Sardinia's historical and cultural heritage! The city is located in one of the most fascinating areas of the island and is a place that reserves a surprise in every corner. The town is known for the quality of its wine, but it also offers the opportunity to admire splendid views, taste delicious local cuisine, and discover the history of one of the oldest populations of Sardinia. We hope you will come to visit us soon, we will be happy to show you the beauties of Usini!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022