
Welcome to Pierantonio: a hamlet in the municipality of Umbertide

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about Pierantonio, a small hamlet in the municipality of Umbertide in the province of Perugia. We are here near the Tiber river, just 7 km south of Umbertide and 24 km north of Perugia. You can't go wrong: the Tiberina road crosses the village from north to south and you will meet the state road to Gubbio to the east and the road to Tezio and Lake Trasimeno to the west.

The history of Pierantonio

Pierantonio has ancient origins: it dates back to 1600, when some families settled between the Mussino stream and the Tiber river. However, one of the first documents relating to the territory of Pierantonio is a will of 1503, which mentions the presence of the church of San Patregnano with a cemetery.

Furthermore, Ignazio Danti's map of Umbria from 1577 informs us that along the road that connects Perugia to Umbertide, there was an inn called “Osteria di P. Antonio”. This inn seems to have represented a rest stop for ancient travelers and probably was the origin of the name of the village.

The presence of the inn is confirmed by a notarial deed of 1681. In the following period, six houses with three chapels developed, unfortunately no longer existent today. However, some frescoes are still visible on the second chapel, located north of the settlement. These are images painted on stone, probably San Pietro and Sant'Antonio, whose dating could go back to 1100.

In the 1950s, Pierantonio experienced industrial development with the construction of tile factories, furniture, and wooden fixtures.

Discover Pierantonio: history, nature, and gastronomy in Umbria.

Pierantonio over time

Pierantonio was part of the municipality of Perugia in the 1700s. In the following period, more and more references began to use the current name Pierantonio to indicate the village.

In 1866, the first stone was laid for the construction of the current bell tower of the church, which stands out for being independent from the church itself. In 1944, the railway bridge over the Mussino stream was damaged by the Nazis and was rebuilt in 1949.

What to see in Pierantonio

Pierantonio is a small village that can be easily visited on foot. The church of San Patregnano, even if it no longer has the ancient chapels, is still worth a visit for its architecture and independent bell tower.

Also, the bridge over the Mussino stream represents a very interesting place for photos, especially since it was reconstructed after being damaged by the Nazis during the Second World War.

Events in Pierantonio

Every year, during the summer months, the village hosts numerous events and festivals. Among these, we recommend the feast of the patron saint San Patregnano, which takes place on March 17th and the feast of the Madonna della Misericordia, celebrated on the first weekend of September.

Where to eat in Pierantonio

If you are in Pierantonio during the summer period, you can stop at the village cemetery for a cool shower under the big tree. If you want to enjoy a good coffee or ice cream, we recommend going to “Pasticceria Gelateria Orsini” in the center of Sant'Orfeto.


In summary, Pierantonio represents an interesting destination from many points of view. If you love history, you will be fascinated by its long tradition. If you are looking for a quiet place to enjoy nature, Pierantonio will not disappoint you. Finally, with its summer festivals and events, it will also be a great destination to taste local specialties. Do not hesitate to visit it!

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Sep 16, 2022