
Welcome to Umbertide: a characteristic municipality in Umbria

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Umbertide, a municipality in Umbria that has a lot to offer. Umbertide is located in the province of Perugia and is home to about 16,305 people. The city is crossed by the Tiber River and the Reggia stream and is surrounded by medieval walls. It is an important center for metalworking, textiles, packaging, industrial ceramics, tobacco, and organic agriculture.

Physical geography

One curious fact about Umbertide is its Italian enclave and exclave, known as the Leoncini Fraction. It is located between the Tuscan municipality of Cortona, in the province of Arezzo, and the municipality of Città di Castello. The city is located in an area classified as zone E, with GR/G index of 2192.

Discover Umbertide: a medieval municipality in Umbria.

History of Umbertide

The first human settlements in Umbertide date back to the Bronze Age, when the Umbrian people settled there. From then on, settlements multiplied, and numerous Roman ruins were built on the hills of Polgeto, in Romeggio, and in the area where the church of Santa Maria is located. The city of Umbertide was rebuilt in the 9th or 10th century under the name Fracta filiorum Huberti or Fratta, near the Roman city of Pitulum Mergens.

On February 12, 1189, the peaceful subjugation to the city of Perugia was signed by the Marquis Ugolino di Uguccione, lord of Castiglione Ugolino and Fratta. In the 15th century, Umbertide was the scene of the victory of Braccio da Montone against Cesare di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, in the service of King Ladislaus I of the Kingdom of Naples.

Origin of the name Umbertide

Legend has it that the original name of Umbertide, Fratta, derived from the destruction of the Roman village by the Goths. In reality, the name refers to the bushy rock where the impregnable fortress was erected to protect the bridge over the Tiber. The name Umbertide was given to the city in 1863 in honor of Prince Umberto I of Savoy.

In summary, Umbertide is a city rich in history and charm, which can offer tourists and visitors a great variety of attractions. Come and discover this gem of Umbria!

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Sep 16, 2022