
Welcome to Ucria: a small mountain town nestled in the Nebrodi Park

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Ucria, a beautiful town with 907 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Messina, in Sicily. Ucria is a mountain village, located between 710 and 790 meters above sea level and nestled in the Nebrodi Park. It is a charming place, dotted with breathtaking landscapes, ancient towers and archaeological sites that testify to the presence of man since ancient times.

Physical geography: the crossroads of three transit routes and the balcony-lookout over the valley

Ucria is the first meeting point of three important transit routes: the N.116 state road (Capo d'Orlando - Randazzo), the N.136 provincial road (S.Piero Patti - Ucria) and finally the N.139 Provincial. The latter, which passes through Sinagra, is the shortest and easiest road to reach the beautiful sea of Brolo and Capo d'Orlando in just 20 minutes. In addition, the Father Bernardino Road, which divides the village in two, constitutes a pleasant balcony-lookout over the surrounding mountains and towards the valley.

Ucria: between history, nature and emigration in Sicily.

History: from Arab traces to Norman, Swabian, Angevin and Aragonese dominations

Let's now move on to the history of Ucria. The presence of man in this area since ancient times is testified by the discovery of prehistoric tools near the Rocca di San Marco and a hoard of Roman coins in the locality of Arelluso. The traces of two Saracen towers, one on the outskirts and one in the northern part of the village, indicate that the village already existed at the time of the Arabs and represented a strategic place for those who wanted to move from the sea inland. Around the year 1000, Ucria was dominated by a castle that passed from one owner to another, based on the assignments of the various dominations: Norman, Swabian, Angevin and Aragonese. In Norman times, Ucria was first a fiefdom of Abbo Barresi and then of Giovanni Ventimiglia Maniaci, lord of Ucria and prefect of Palermo.

The transition to the latifundium and the power of the Gullotti family

Although Feudalism had officially been abolished with the Sicilian Constitution of 1812, the latifundium would become the new tool through which to enforce the same principles of the past social regime. It is precisely in this perspective that the Gullotti, a notable family of the place related to the Stancanelli barons of Novara di Sicilia, thanks to the purchase of former fiefs at the beginning of the 19th century, became economically and politically powerful, subsequently branching out partly to Sant'Agata di Militello and partly to Palermo.

Contemporary age: from the boom of emigration to the present

The town of Ucria has followed the historical fortunes of Sicily between the 19th century and the early 20th century. After the first years of the 20th century, marked by the economic crisis that had its most visible effects in the phenomenon of emigration to the New World, Italy entered World War I. The poverty generated pushed many residents of Ucria to emigrate to Waltham (Massachusetts), in the United States, where there is still an important presence of people from Ucria.

Symbols: the coat of arms and flag of the municipality

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Ucria were granted by decree of the President of the Republic. The flag consists of a yellow banner with a blue border. In the center is the municipal coat of arms, which represents a silver tower on a blue background, surrounded by a wreath of laurel and golden fruit.


Here it is, friends, the history of Ucria. A charming place, rich in history and culture, which I recommend visiting if you are in the area. It will not disappoint your expectations!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Monday, May 9, 2022