
The province of Rieti: a brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the province of Rieti, one of the provinces of Lazio, located in the northeastern part of the region. The province has a population of about 150,000 and its capital is Rieti. In this text, I will give you some information about this province of surprising natural beauty.

Physical geography

The province of Rieti borders several provinces such as Viterbo and the metropolitan city of Rome Capital to the west and southwest, Umbria to the north, Marche to the northeast, and Abruzzo to the east and southeast. The terrain is predominantly mountainous, with mountain ranges such as the Sabine Mountains, the Reatini Mountains, Mount Terminillo, the Laga Mountains, the Monte Nuria Mountains, the Carseolani Mountains, the Cicolano Mountains, and the Duchessa Mountains. The Piana Reatina represents the main plain in the province, while the low Sabina is the hilly area. In addition, there are two artificial lakes: Lake Salto and Lake Turano.

Province of Rieti: mountains, rivers and lakes.


The province of Rieti is rich in rivers and lakes, among which the Tiber, the Velino, the Salto, the Turano, the sources of the Peschiera river, the Farfa, the Aia, the Apa, and the Corno stand out. Furthermore, the province hosts several lakes, including Lake Salto, Lake Turano, Lake Rascino, Lake dei Monti della Duchessa, Lake Scandarello, Lake Paterno, Lake Lungo (Lazio) or Cantalice, Lake Ripasottile, and Lake Ventina.


The province of Rieti was created in 1927 during the fascist government, along with 16 other provinces, with the aim of restoring political unity to the ancient region of Sabina. The province was formed by combining the territory of the Rieti district with the territory of the former Cittaducale district, which was part of the province of Aquila degli Abruzzi. Following the creation of the province, there were numerous protests from the province of Aquila, which found itself losing part of its territory. In the post-World War II period in Italy, there was a debate about the opportunity to maintain the provincial subdivision operated by fascism. The province of Aquila, in particular, asked for the restoration of the former Cittaducale district.

And that's all for the province of Rieti! I hope this little virtual tour has informed you and encouraged you to explore this beautiful Italian area. See you next time!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Nov 21, 2022