
The Delightful Greco di Tufo - A Unique DOCG Wine

Greco di Tufo is an Italian DOCG wine that is produced in eight municipalities in the province of Avellino. It is a white wine that can also be sparkling, but what makes it unique is its ageing ability. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of this delightful wine.

Organoleptic Characteristics

Greco di Tufo is a wine with a straw yellow color and golden reflections. Its aroma is intense and persistent, with notes of ripe fruit and white flowers, and a hint of almond. On the palate, Greco di Tufo is dry, balanced, and full-bodied with good acidity.

Greco di Tufo: A DOCG wine with fruity and floral notes.

Geographic Area

The production area of Greco di Tufo is located north of Avellino, in an area included in the regional park of Partenio. The DOCG zone in which Greco di Tufo is produced has an altitude ranging from 300 to 650 m above sea level in the Sabato valley.

The composition of the soil is characterized by a young and immature soil profile, consisting not only of hard and compact rock but also of soft, clayey, and sandy rocks. The soils have a low presence of skeleton, but an abundance of clay. The pH is mainly neutral or sub-alkaline, with a peak of pH 8.0. The amount of humus is generally low, and the content of assimilable phosphorus is reduced, while the exchangeable magnesium is abundant.

The summer climate is mild, while the winter climate is harsh with even snowy precipitation. The annual rainfall is mm, of which 70% falls in the autumn-winter period, while the summer period is very dry.

Wine Production

Greco di Tufo is produced from Greco grapes, a very ancient autochthonous grape variety that is believed to have been imported by Greeks in the 7th century BC. Greco grapes are characterized by a high sugar and acidity content.

After the harvest, the grapes are screened and pressed. The must is then fermented in steel tanks at a controlled temperature until the wine reaches the desired alcohol content. The wine is then aged in wooden barrels for a period that can range from 6 to 12 months.

Greco di Tufo Bianco can be served as an aperitif or paired with particular Mediterranean cuisine dishes, such as grilled fish, bruschetta, and buffalo mozzarella. Greco di Tufo Sparkling, on the other hand, is perfect for celebrations and special occasions.


Greco di Tufo is a unique DOCG sparkling or white wine that is perfect for ageing. Characterized by intense notes of fruit and white flowers, this wine is produced in an area characterized by a young and immature soil profile, consisting of soft, clayey, and sandy rocks. The summer climate is mild, while the winter climate is harsh with snowy precipitation. Greco di Tufo Bianco can be paired with Mediterranean cuisine dishes, such as grilled fish, bruschetta, and buffalo mozzarella. Greco di Tufo sparkling is perfect for special occasions.

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Jan 31, 2022