
Schiava: an ancient hamlet in Campania

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small hamlet in the metropolitan city of Naples: Schiava. Located near the border with the province of Avellino, Schiava is a locality with an interesting name from an etymological point of view.

Archaeological and historical notes

According to popular oral tradition, the hamlet takes its name from a slave who worked at a local tavern and later married a local nobleman. Another hypothesis concerns the numerous quarries in the area, which are understood as "excavations". Recently, the place name has been interpreted as an Oscan pre-Latin relic related to the flat shape of the territory.

Slave: history and archaeology in a Campanian hamlet.

Monuments and places of interest

In the territory of Schiava, archaeological remains from the Roman era have been found along with an ancient sanctuary currently incorporated into the fence of a company managing the local natural gas pipeline. Unfortunately, during the works for the installation of the pipeline, some ancient artifacts made of tuff blocks were destroyed, including dome structures probably intended for funerary use.


Schiava is a small but fascinating hamlet in Campania, rich in history and with several points of interest for archaeology enthusiasts. If you find yourself in the area, do not hesitate to pay a visit!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Sunday, Aug 28, 2022