
Welcome to Cavaione!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Cavaione, a small hamlet in the municipality of Truccazzano, located southwest of the town center towards Settala. If you are looking for a tranquil and welcoming place to spend a day out, Cavaione could be just what you need. Let's discover the history and curiosities of this place together.

History of Cavaione

The history of Cavaione dates back to the eighteenth century, when this provincial village was inhabited by around 300 people. With the advent of the Kingdom of Italy in 1805, the village was annexed to Corneliano Bertario, but this autonomy was later restored during the Austrian period. Over the following decades, the population of Cavaione grew slowly, reaching 409 inhabitants in 1861. However, in 1869, the Municipality of Cavaione was abolished and annexed to that of Truccazzano, following the ancient Napoleonic model.

Cavaione: history, nature, and relaxation just a few kilometres away from Milan.

Curiosities about Cavaione

What are the attractions of Cavaione? In reality, this hamlet is characterized by its natural beauty and the tranquility it offers to its visitors. One of the most striking places in Cavaione is its historic center, with its cobbled streets and Lombard-style houses. Furthermore, it is worth taking a walk in the surrounding countryside to admire the fields and hills that surround the village.

How to get to Cavaione

If you are planning a visit to Cavaione, you should know that you can reach it by car or by train. If you travel by car, you can use the Milan Eastern Ring Road and exit at Settala, which is only a few kilometers away from the village. If you prefer to take the train, you can arrive at the Vignate station, which is about 5 kilometers from Cavaione.

Cavaione today

Today, Cavaione is a small hamlet of Truccazzano, with a population of about 500 people. The village is peaceful and perfect for those who are looking for a little bit of peace and relaxation. Moreover, Cavaione is famous for its festivals and village fairs, which take place throughout the year and allow visitors to taste local delicacies and enjoy music and dancing.


Here is a brief trip to discover Cavaione, a tranquil and welcoming hamlet located just a few kilometers from Milan. If you are looking for a destination for a day trip, Cavaione could be just what you're looking for. Have a great visit!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Sunday, Feb 13, 2022