
Troia: The Town and Its Location

Troia is an Italian municipality located in the province of Foggia, in Apulia. With its 6665 inhabitants, the town is situated on the slopes of the Subappennino Dauno, near the Tavoliere delle Puglie.

The History of Troia

The town has a long and complex history that dates back to the ancient Greeks who called it "Aika". During the imperial era, Troia developed enormously thanks to the Trajan's Road that passed through the city. The diocese of Eca was established by the three bishops Marco, Eleuterio and Secondino. After being destroyed by barbarian invasions, the city was rebuilt in 1019 by Basilio Boioannes, an important official of the Byzantine Empire. Due to the numerous wars between horseback armies, the city was often under siege, such as during the siege of Henry II the Holy and Emperor Frederick II of Swabia. In 1093, Pope Urban II held the first Council of Troia, which will be followed by three other important councils. In 1462, the bloody Battle of Troia saw the Angevins defeated by the Aragonese.

Troia: History, Architecture, and Tourism in Puglia

Troia in the Modern Age

During the Modern Age, Troia had many feudal lords, including Perretto De Andreis and Muzio Attendolo Sforza. In 1501, the town was enfeoffed to Giovanna of Trastamara and her daughter Giovanna d'Aragona, who was already the consort of Ferdinand II of Naples. Returned to the royal demesne in 1518, the town was sold by the viceroy Raimondo de Cardona to Troiano Cavaniglia in 1521. In 1583, Giovanni di Capua sold the town to Ferrante Lombardo of the Lombardo family.

Troia Today

Today, Troia has a strategic position along the ancient Trajan's Road, which makes it an important tourist destination. The town has a mountainous landscape and an ancient stone architecture that evoke past epochs. Among the places to visit are the Swabian Castle, the Romanesque cathedral, the baroque church of Santa Maria della Misericordia and the church of the Holy Trinity. The town also hosts the Rosminian Institute and the San Pietro Martire College, which offer high-quality educational systems.


In conclusion, Troia is a charming town with an ancient and fascinating history that makes it an ideal place for tourists. The strategic position of the town along the Trajan's Road, its architecture, and its historic buildings are a perfect blend of history and modernity. If you have the opportunity, do not miss the chance to visit Troia!

Federico Conte
Updated Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022