
Welcome to Trivigno, a charming town in Basilicata

If you're searching for a peaceful and picturesque place to spend a few days of relaxation, Trivigno may be just the place for you. Located in the province of Potenza, in the stunning region of Basilicata, this town is home to just over 500 people, giving you an idea of the peace and tranquility you'll find here.

Physical geography: a town immersed in nature

Trivigno is situated on a hill 735 meters above sea level, in the central-eastern area of the province of Potenza. The surrounding mountains, including the Lucanian Dolomites, make the landscape particularly fascinating. The area is crossed by several streams that converge into the Basento River: to the west is the Brutto valley, to the east is the Camastra stream, and to the northeast is the valley of Hell, which separates the territories of Trivigno from those of Anzi.

Trivigno: the tranquility of Basilicata in an enchanting municipality.

Origin of name: the meaning of Trivigno

The name of the town comes from "trivinea," a term by which the fiefdom was known in the 12th century. The first element "tri" could refer to "trilla," "trela," or "trila," i.e. lattice gates used for the support of vines. The second element comes from "vinea," meaning vineyard, so trivinea means pergola or orders of vines that stretch the trellises on horizontal poles or are tied to poplar bushes.

History: from Norman origins to post-unity banditry

The history of Trivigno dates back to the Norman period, during which the fiefdom was controlled by Guglielmo d'Altavilla and his sons Ruggiero and Roberto. Later, the fiefdom passed through various hands until it came into the possession of local noble families. In 1861, the town became the site of clashes between the bandit groups and the troops of the Kingdom of Italy. In particular, the bands led by Carmine Crocco and José Borjes attacked Trivigno on November 3 of that year, an event of which there are numerous testimonies.

In any case, the history of Trivigno is marked by the presence of several noble families and its strategic position among the mountains of Basilicata.

Conclusion: a forgotten destination to explore

In conclusion, Trivigno is an excellent destination for those looking for a place to relax, stroll through the hills, or explore the surrounding natural beauties of Basilicata. Here you will find warm and genuine hospitality, and you can immerse yourself in the history of this still little-known region. All that's left is to embark on a journey to discover this small jewel, far from the chaos and noise of the cities.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, May 3, 2022