Trivignano Udinese

Discovering Trivignano Udinese

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you a bit about Trivignano Udinese, a beautiful commune in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. With its 1560 inhabitants, Trivignano Udinese may seem like a small village, but don't be fooled! There are many interesting places to see and discover.

Monuments and places of interest

Trivignano Udinese is rich in monuments and interesting places. For example, there are several churches that are worth visiting, such as the Church of San Teodoro and the Church of San Michele Arcangelo, both in Trivignano Udinese. If you want to take a tour of the town in search of churches, you can also visit the Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo in Melarolo, the Church of Santa Caterina in Merlana, the Church of San Marco and the Church of San Giorgio Martire in Clauiano.

In particular, Clauiano is a very picturesque village, with its narrow streets and stone houses. If you are passionate about art, you can take a walking tour of Clauiano and follow the artistic itinerary proposed by the municipality. It's called "Piéris e clàps" and it's an original way to discover the works of sculptors who have exhibited their works in this village.

Trivignano Udinese: Art, History and Friulian Culture


Demographic evolution

Regarding the population, over the years there has been a fairly stable trend. The number of inhabitants of Trivignano Udinese has not increased much, but neither has it decreased. It is a compact and welcoming community that loves its village.

Languages and dialects

In Trivignano Udinese, like in many towns in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Friulian is spoken. It is a very beautiful and particular language, which may seem difficult to understand at first, but which then becomes familiar. The Municipality is included in the list of Italian municipalities where Friulian is spoken for the purposes of the application of Law 482/99, Regional Law 15/96 and Regional Law 29/2007.


The administration of Trivignano Udinese is composed of the Mayor and a Municipal Council. There is an entire page dedicated to the municipality on the official website of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, where you can find information on how to contact the municipality and what services it offers.


Before visiting Trivignano Udinese, it is always best to inquire about any pandemic-related restrictions. This way, you can enjoy the village to the fullest without worries.


Finally, if you are passionate about history and want to deepen your knowledge of Trivignano Udinese, here are some readings that may interest you: "The official nomenclature of the Municipality of Trivignano" by Barbara Cinausero and Ermanno Dentesano, "Piéris e clàps. Artistic itinerary in the village of Clauiano" by Manuela Alessandris and others, "Trivignano Udinese and its history. Features of a community in the Bassa Friulana" (edited by the Cultural Association Friends of the Trivignano Museum) and "Trivignano Udinese, a history of the Municipality in pictures" by Paolo Bonini.

Related voices

If you want to discover other municipalities in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, you can take a look at the Città Sane network, the National Association of Wine Cities and the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Other projects

And finally, don't forget to visit the official website of the municipality for updated information on all the events taking place in Trivignano Udinese. Thank you for reading my story about the village!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Dec 27, 2022