
Tribano: a brief historical overview

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Tribano, a municipality in Veneto with a rich and fascinating history.

Roman age

During the Roman period, Tribano was a passage for soldiers of the Empire. However, it was destroyed during the conquests of the Huns of Attila in the 5th century and of the Lombards in 568 AD.

Tribano: history, attractions and economy of the Veneto municipality.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, Tribano underwent many transformations. In 589, the Adige river flooded, reducing the conselvano area to a swamp. Small settlements and constructions made of wood, clay or mud, canes, and screens were established, always covered with straw, without glass, fireplaces or beds, and with one room for all uses. Society suffered from numerous famines and epidemic diseases that decimated the population.

Over the next hundreds of years, the area was reclaimed thanks to the work of the Benedictines and other religious orders, who managed to channel the Adige towards the Polesine.

Birth of the Municipality

The Municipality was then established with the intent of giving freedom and rights to the citizens. In the 12th century, the countries in the area were disturbed by the war against the wild ambition of the Ezzelini family.

Until the 13th century, Conselve, Tribano, Cartura, Bovolenta, and Pernumia were ruled by a podestà, a symbolic figure chosen among the Venetian nobles, who had administrative, judicial, military powers and depended on the podestà of Padua. In this period, Tribano formed a separate municipality with a podestà elected by the Padua council.

Modern Age

In 1406, Tribano and all its lands became part of the Dominion of Venice and remained so until the fall of the Republic in 1797 by Napoleon. Venice favored the reconstruction of the dangerous banks of the Adige, Brenta, Battaglia canal, and Paltana, abolishing some of the existing burdensome taxes.

Geographic Features

Tribano is located in the province of Padua in the Veneto region. It is a municipality of 4238 inhabitants, which extends over an area of 27.09 km². Its territory features a flat and hilly landscape, crossed by the Brenta river.

Main Attractions

Tribano boasts numerous historical and cultural attractions. Among these, we highlight:

The village of Tribano

The village of Tribano, characterized by narrow medieval alleys and noble palaces, represents the beating heart of the historic center. In particular, the Zabarella Palace, the Church of San Giorgio, the Canossiana Fortress, and Villa Pisani are noteworthy.

The Euganean Hills Regional Park

Tribano is located at the foot of the Euganean Hills, a protected natural area of great scenic importance. Here, you can go on excursions, horseback riding, biking, and also visit some of the numerous Venetian villas present in the area.


The economy of Tribano is mainly based on agriculture and industry. In the municipality's territory, there are numerous agricultural companies that produce wine, oil, and typical local products. Industry, on the other hand, is mainly represented by manufacturing companies producing building materials.


As you could see, Tribano is a municipality rich in history and culture, but also in natural beauties. We strongly recommend visiting it to discover all its wonders. Thank you for reading and see you soon!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Apr 4, 2022