Trezzano Rosa

Welcome to Trezzano Rosa: a city with a long history

Welcome to Trezzano Rosa, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Milan in Lombardy, with a population of about 5,400 inhabitants. In this article, we will talk about the history of the municipality, from its foundation to the present day.

The origins of Trezzano Rosa

The first record of Trezzano Rosa's existence dates back to a document from 1145, which refers to the rural settlement of Derzano. However, we can place the birth of the agricultural village during the Roman conquest of Cisalpine Gaul, between the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. This is evidenced by the traces of centuriation still visible - the system with which the Romans organized agricultural territories.

Trezzano Rosa: history of a municipality between past and present.

Trezzano Rosa during the Duchy of Milan

During the Duchy of Milan, starting from 1395, the municipality of Trezzano Rosa was still mentioned under the old name of Derzano. In 1538, it was incorporated into the fiefs of the D'Adda family, later passing into the ownership of Marquis Giambattista Castaldo in 1543. In 1564, it appeared with the new name of Terzago, still in the Pieve di Pontirolo, divided into two parts: the one to the west of the Adda River (including Terzago) remained under the Duchy of Milan, while the other was incorporated into the Bergamo possessions of the Republic of Venice. In 1572, the feud was entrusted to the Bonelli family by King Philip II of Spain. Over time, the name of Trezzano Rosa changed again, becoming Terzano, and finally consolidating into Trezzano. In 1781, the municipality was again entrusted to Marquis Giambattista d'Adda, until the abolition of the fiefs in 1796.

Trezzano Rosa during the Napoleonic period and the unification of Italy

In 1809, during the Kingdom of Italy of Napoleon Bonaparte, Trezzano Rosa annexed the neighboring Grezzago, and was later incorporated into the municipality of Vaprio d'Adda in 1811. When Austrian rule was restored over Lombardy in 1814, the situation returned to its previous state. With the Royal Decree of October 19, 1862, Trezzano took on the name of Trezzano Rosa to distinguish it from the homonymous municipality of Trezzano sul Naviglio, located south of Milan. During the period of the Kingdom of Italy, the population of Trezzano Rosa was characterized by low levels of education, with an illiteracy rate averaging 80%. Until the post-World War II period, Trezzano Rosa remained a typical countryside village whose main resources were agriculture, poultry farming, and silk production.

Today in Trezzano Rosa

In recent decades, Trezzano Rosa has undergone a significant transformation from agriculture to industry, and from tourism. Some of the industrial activities have developed in the industrial area, while others have concentrated in the historical center, including shops and restaurants. In recent years, the municipality has also invested in the construction of new schools, a children's play area, and the redevelopment of urban spaces. The patron saint festival of Trezzano Rosa is held on January 31, in honor of St. John Bosco, with a series of events including shows, concerts, and fireworks.


The history of Trezzano Rosa shows how a municipality can go through various transformations over the centuries. Its transformation from an agricultural village to an industrial and tourist center testifies to its ability to adapt and evolve over time. Today, Trezzano Rosa has become a lively location, where everyone can find what they are looking for. We hope that this article has provided you with a historical overview of Trezzano Rosa and that you have enjoyed discovering its history. Come to visit us!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022