
Trevi: a municipality surrounded by nature

Trevi is a municipality located in Umbria, in the province of Perugia, with a population of approximately 8,042 inhabitants. The territory is characterized by the impressive presence of two mountains in the Umbrian-Marche Apennines, which dominate the municipality and offer spectacular views. Monte Brunette and Monte Serano are made up of sedimentary rock of marine origin, dating back to about 180 million years ago. The municipality is divided into three different areas: plain, hill, and mountain. The plain is irrigated by numerous waterways and hosts annual crops. The hill is ideal for intensive olive cultivation. Finally, the mountain is covered with grasslands and deciduous forests. The territory of the municipality has been the subject of centuries-old reclamation works, dating back to the time of King Theodoric the Great. One of the most important rivers that flows in the territory of Trevi is the Clitunno, whose waters were attributed miraculous properties by the Romans.

An ancient city rich in history

Pliny the Elder considered Trevi a city of the Umbrians, and the Latin name "Trebiae" could derive from the Umbrian root "treb-", a word that indicated the house or the building. Its existence, in fact, dates back to a long time ago. Prehistoric civilizations inhabited the Trevi area, as evidenced by the discovery of the "Bovara stele" with an archaic inscription. The municipality gained importance in the 3rd century BC, when it was crossed by the Via Flaminia, and later began the process of Romanization. Recent excavations have also confirmed the presence of Treviae in the Pietrarossa locality, along the Flaminia and the course of the navigable Clitunno river.

Trevi: Nature, History, and Good Food.

Artistic and cultural heritage

Trevi boasts a very important artistic and cultural heritage. The city has been influenced by different eras that have left their mark on architecture and art. The historical center of Trevi features buildings and churches of great value, such as the Church of Santa Maria delle Lacrime, the Church of San Francesco, the Church of Sant'Emiliano, the Ceccano Tower, and the Civic Tower. The city is also famous for the numerous architectures that host exhibitions and shows and for the art of ceramics, which is widespread in the area. In addition, Trevi is the venue for important cultural events, such as the Festival della Persona, dedicated to the theme of humanism, and the Sermoneta Prize for Culture, which every year rewards the artists who have contributed most to the promotion of contemporary art.

Trevi: city of oil and good food

Trevi is famous above all for the high-quality extra-virgin olive oil produced in the territory. In fact, Trevi is part of "Città dell'Olio", an association that promotes high-quality extra-virgin olive oil. The municipality's territory is inclined to olive cultivation, which adapts well to the area's climatic conditions and soil characteristics. Trevi is also a member of "Slow Food", an association that promotes the culture of healthy and good food. In the municipality, there are numerous agricultural enterprises and agritourisms, where it is possible to taste typical products of the area and experience an authentic nature experience.

In conclusion, Trevi is a municipality rich in natural, artistic, and cultural treasures. Those who decide to visit it can immerse themselves in nature, taste quality products, and appreciate the beauty of the territory.

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Aug 13, 2022