
The Presence of the Name "Fagnano" in Geography

Have you ever heard of the name "Fagnano"? It might seem like an unusual name, but it can actually be found in various places in Italy and Argentina. In Argentina, there is a lake called "Lago Fagnano," located in the province of Tierra Del Fuego. This lake is one of the largest on the island. In Italy, on the other hand, there are several cities that bear the name of Fagnano. For example, there is Fagnano Alto, a town in the province of L'Aquila, Fagnano Castello in the province of Cosenza and Fagnano Olona in the province of Varese. There are also some localities like Fagnano near Castello di Serravalle in the metropolitan city of Bologna, Fagnano in Gaggiano in the metropolitan city of Milan, and Fagnano in Trevenzuolo in the province of Verona.

Who were Giovanni and Giulio Fagnano dei Toschi?

Now that we have talked about the name "Fagnano" in geography, I want to introduce you to two important people who have made history in Italian mathematics. They are Giovanni Fagnano dei Toschi and his son Giulio Fagnano dei Toschi. Giovanni was an Italian mathematician and priest of the 18th century. He made important contributions to the theory of differential equations and optimization problems. He was also known for his vast knowledge of languages, which allowed him to translate important scientific works from Latin and English.

His son Giulio was also a well-known Italian mathematician of the 18th century. His main contributions involved elliptic functions and mathematical series. In particular, he developed a series of trigonometric identities known as the Fagnano formula. His mathematical research brought him in contact with many important scientists and mathematicians of his time, including Leonhard Euler and Jean le Rond d'Alembert.

The name Fagnano: between Italian geography and mathematics.


As we have seen, the name "Fagnano" is not just an unusual and strange name, but it is also present in Italian and Argentine geography. Moreover, the Fagnano dei Toschi family has made a great contribution to the history of Italian mathematics. Whether you have heard of them before or not, the presence of the name "Fagnano" in different fields might be a curiosity to share with friends and family. And who knows, maybe you will feel like deepening your knowledge about this family of Italian mathematicians!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Apr 1, 2022