
Villamontagna: a lively and united community on Mount Calisio

Located on Mount Calisio, just 5 kilometers from the city of Trento, Villamontagna is a growing hamlet that today counts over 1200 inhabitants. Along with other localities, it forms District number 6 of the municipality of Argentario (Trento).

History of the village

The history of Villamontagna is closely linked to that of the city of Trento. The first mention of the village dates back to 1200 when its inhabitants were in the service of the Bishop of the city. In 1512, the village obtained its first civil autonomy and a few decades later, the first church was built. In 1775, the community obtained its own priest and in 1787 the current baroque church was built. Over the years, the village has grown and developed in the fields of education, culture, and social life.

Villamontagna: a lively and united community on Mount Calisio.

Monuments and places of interest

Villamontagna offers visitors numerous attractions. The Church of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano, founded in the 16th century, is a splendid example of religious architecture, with the 18th-century building. The Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, built in 1944, replaces an ancient shrine attested to in the 1600s.

But the village's attractions don't end here. The Pila limestone quarries are a historical extraction site that provided Trento with the stone used in the construction of the monument to Cesare Battisti. In the unused quarry area, a park has been built, where local choirs perform and various performances are held.

The Campel hut is an ideal option for those who want to venture out on easy hikes that connect Villamontagna to Civezzano, Martignano, Montevaccino, and Lake Santa Colomba.

An active and united community

Villamontagna is an active and united community that has always demonstrated great openness and collaboration in every initiative. The "Natale Tomasi" school was built in 1909, while the village nursery school opened six years earlier, managed by teacher "Angela." In 1923, the current "Carli" nursery school was built, which today is a private institution, alongside the new public park.

The Villamontagna community is characterized by the numerous presence of committees and activity groups, making it lively and united. The patron saint festival, which is held every year on January 20th in honor of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano, is one of the most anticipated events in the community.

External links

For those who want to visit Villamontagna, the city is easily reachable through Trento's urban service. Tons of information on the territory and the village's events are available online on the website of the cultural association Villamontagna. Moreover, one can deepen their knowledge of the history and traditions of this unique place by visiting the official website of the Municipality of Trento.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022