
Discover Vela, a village rich in history and natural beauty

Vela is a village in the city of Trento, located just two kilometers from the city center and north of Doss Trento. Along with other villages, it forms the 12th municipal decentralization district of Trento. The village is rich in history and places of interest, including one of the oldest city cliffs and a valuable archaeological site.

A history dating back to prehistoric times

The archaeological site of Vela is one of the symbols of prehistory in the Alps, with a cult and funerary complex dating back to the Late Copper Age and objects from the Neolithic period. The area was also affected by an Early Mesolithic camp. The archaeological area is located along the alluvial cone of the Vela stream, almost near its confluence with the Adige, and covers about 10,000 square meters, subject to direct archaeological protection.

Explore Vela: history and nature in a fraction of Trento.

From "papermakers" to North African immigrants

In the nineteenth century, there was a paper factory in Vela located near the Vela stream to exploit water. The village church was built in 1759 by G.B. Sardagna di Hochenstein and rebuilt in 1838, while the bell tower dates back to 1844. In the choir of the parish, you can admire the brass plates that recall the "papermakers" of 1844. In recent years, part of the "Damiano Chiesa" barracks has been used as a residence for immigrants from North Africa, and a second residence, "Adige", has also been opened in Vela.

Places of interest to visit

The village of Vela is undoubtedly a place rich in monuments and places of interest to visit. The church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, erected in 1759, is a place of worship that preserves valuable paintings, including a panel by Eugenio Prati from 1894. The Vela cemetery, with an area of ​​816 m², is a place of great peace and tranquility. Although it is not strictly part of the village, but in the Cadine locality, the Bus de Vela roadcut is one of the forts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, belonging to the Fortress of Trento (Festung Trient).

A paradise for climbing enthusiasts

For climbing enthusiasts, Vela boasts one of the oldest city cliffs, located near the village thanks to the proximity to the city of Trento but also for the evidence of the climbable routes. The routes of the cliff are sporty and range from 5b to 8a, with rock composed of highly worked white limestone.

In conclusion, visiting Vela is a unique experience to appreciate the beauty of the Trentino territory and discover its millennial history. Don't miss out on the opportunity to discover a often underestimated village that holds many surprises.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022