
Sardagna: an ancient village in the mountains

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Sardagna, a beautiful fraction of Trento, located on a 600-meter-high hill on the eastern side of Mount Bondone. Here, nature is majestic and unspoilt, with deep valleys and dense forests, and there are also numerous trails to explore for those who want to enjoy the scenery on foot.

The waterfall of Sardagna

But the beauty of Sardagna is not limited to its natural landscapes, there is also a waterfall suitable for trekking and photography enthusiasts. Starting from the cemetery chapel, you can admire the Sardagna waterfall which, with its 174 meters height, flows through the valley gorges. During this route, it is possible to enjoy breathtaking views, including that of San Nicolò di Ravina.

Sardagna: nature, history, and the majestic waterfall

The origin of the village name

The name Sardagna seems to have its origin from the vulgar Latin and means "land cleared of brambles". In other words, it would be a place that was cultivated by inhabitants, after the land had been cleared of wild plants.

History of Sardagna

The history of Sardagna dates back to the Roman era, during which this territory seems to have been the site of a temple dedicated to the worship of the divinity of Mithra, imported from the East. Only in the twelfth century, however, was the first church built in the area that would later be expanded, frescoed, and become the oldest in the area.

In the sixteenth century, the village was very popular with council fathers who came here to stroll and relax. Even Cardinal Cervini and council secretary Massarelli were guests of Lodovico de Balzani, a canon of the cathedral who had a summer villa in Sardagna. Count Gerolamo Bucelleni, another canon of the cathedral, also had a summer villa in Sardagna. In 1679, the curacy community was erected and then in 1742, the new church of SS. Filippo e Giacomo was built right in the center of the village.

In September 1703, during the Invasion of Trentino as part of the War of the Spanish Succession, the French passed through Sardagna and bombarded the city of Trento for a week. In 1926, the Municipality of Sardagna was absorbed by the Municipality of Trento.


Sardagna is a charming place that offers opportunities for nature and photography lovers, as well as for those who want to go on hikes in the area. The Sardagna waterfall is a very fascinating place and perfect for those seeking breathtaking views. The history of the location is very rich: in fact, the village dates back to the Roman era and was also frequented by council fathers in the sixteenth century. If you have time, visit Sardagna, you will see it from a completely different perspective.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022