San Lazzaro

San Lazzaro di Sàvena: Let's discover this Italian town in the metropolitan city of Bologna

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about San Lazzaro di Sàvena, an Italian municipality in the metropolitan city of Bologna, in Emilia-Romagna. With its 32,631 inhabitants, this town offers a peaceful experience just 6 km from the city center of Bologna, and also the beauty of the hills of Bologna.

Physical geography

San Lazzaro intersects the state road 9 Via Emilia, which takes its name from the work arranged by the Roman consul Marco Emilio Lepido between 189 BC and 187 BC. The town is located on the right and left banks of the Savena stream and is only 6 km from the center of Bologna. It is linked to the urban agglomeration of the city, and is separated only by the course of the Savena, on whose left bank lies the Savena neighborhood.

The territory of San Lazzaro is mainly flat and close to the first hills of Bologna. This municipality is crossed by the watercourses of the Zena, Idice, and Savena, as well as a smaller water network. The city is famous for the ## Grotta della Spipola, with its karst doline and the outcrops of the ## Grotta del Farneto and Croara, which form gypsum karst. This is produced by the underground watercourse of the Rio Acquafredda and has a complex development of over 11 km, the largest in Western Europe. It is protected by the Regional Park of the Bolognese Gypsums and Calanchi dell'Abbadessa.

San Lazzaro di Sàvena: discover tranquility just a few kilometers from Bologna.


San Lazzaro di Savena has a generally warm and temperate climate with significant annual rainfall. The Köppen climate classification system categorizes its territory as a humid subtropical climate. From a legislative point of view, the municipality falls within the E climate band, with 2210 degree days. The maximum allowed limit for the activation of heating systems is 14 hours per day from October 15 to April 15.

Name origins

The name "San Lazzaro di Savena" has a double origin. The first part of the name is related to the ## lazaretto that was built in the East of the ancient walls of Bologna during the Late Middle Ages around which the San Lazzaro community was founded. The patron saint of this community was Lazarus, a beggar. The locality where the hospital stood was called Ronco Maruni, but later it was renamed San Lazzaro di Roncomaruno due to the presence of the building. Later, the name was shortened to San Lazzaro.

The second part of the name, "Savena," derives from the Etruscan language "Sàvena," meaning "water vein." The municipality owes its name to this watercourse that borders its boundaries from north to south. Since 1776 the Savena has undergone an artificial diversion, operate to protect Bologna from floods.


San Lazzaro di Savena offers a beautiful Italian experience for its inhabitants and tourists alike. With its privileged geographical position and the beauty of the Bologna hills, this municipality offers the tranquility that one seeks after a hectic day in the city. And if you feel like exploring fascinating caves and incredible landscapes, San Lazzaro is perfect for you! Come and discover this wonderful Italian town for an unforgettable experience.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022