
Discover Ravina, a welcoming hamlet in the municipality of Trento

Ravina is a geographic hamlet located in the district of Ravina-Romagnano (Trento) and is part of the same municipality. With a population exceeding 3000 inhabitants, Ravina is a community located on the right bank of the Adige river, at the foot of Mount Bondone and under the imposing Palon wall.

The Val delle Gole, crossed by the homonymous Rio Gola river, is one of the places of interest in the area and is at the base of the Bondone mountain. In Ravina, there are several trails that branch off on the slopes of the mountain.


One of the characteristics that distinguishes Ravina is its twinning with the German town of Herrsching, located in Bavaria, on the shores of Lake Ammersee, thirty kilometers as the crow flies from Munich. Every year, fifth-grade children from the school in Ravina go to Germany for a school trip that allows them to have a unique experience and to come into contact with German peers.

Among the most important companies in the area are Cantine Ferrari and the Cavit wine shop. Furthermore, Ravina is the headquarters of the Ravinense sports company, which celebrated its forty years of activity in 2005. The playing field has recently been enlarged and covered with synthetic grass. Towards the end of May and the beginning of June, the "Contrade tournament" takes place, a sporting event that involves the various districts of the town.

Ravina: discover the cozy fraction of Trento.

Events and initiatives

Towards the end of May, Ravina organizes "Maggio Rock", a music event that involves several local bands and takes place over two days. In addition, the quarterly information magazine Ravina and Romagnano, called "Erre", recently celebrated its first twenty years.

One of the main features of the Ravina hamlet is the presence of the Volunteer Firefighters Corps, as is the case in all the other twelve hamlets of the Municipality of Trento. These Corps represent the first, and often the only, Civil Protection instrument of individual communities.

Monuments and places of interest

In the Ravina hamlet, several places of historical and religious interest can be found. Among the religious buildings, the Church of the Translation of Santa Marina stands out. Among the military architectures, instead, the Tower of Ravina stands out, which symbolizes the town and is located on a hill at an altitude of 244 meters.

Ravina is a wonderful and welcoming hamlet where history, culture, and nature come together to create a unique experience. Its particular geographical position, on the slopes of Mount Bondone and at the base of the Val delle Gole, makes this place ideal for those who love the mountains. But Ravina is not only nature, it is also an active community where culture and events follow one another regularly, offering a calendar full of initiatives.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022