
Cadine: a town immersed in nature

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Cadine, a hamlet of the city of Trento located at the entrance of the Laghi Valley. With its 1,496 inhabitants, Cadine represents a small corner of paradise immersed in greenery.

Physical geography

The town is located along the Strada statale 45 bis Gardesana Occidentale, which leads from Trento to Lake Garda. Just 6 km from the provincial capital, Cadine is perfectly connected to the historic center of Trento thanks to the urban bus line.

Cadine: nature and traditions in Trentino.

A unique territory in the world

Cadine is located within the integral nature reserve of the Tre Cime del Monte Bondone, an area of great geological, hydrographic and naturalistic interest. The area is in fact considered karstic, characterized by the presence of underground cavities and waterways that flow inside the rocks.

Near Lake Terlago, one of the main attractions of the area, it is possible to observe pools of clear water emerge from the ground and flow into the lake. In some periods of the year, these sources are submerged and difficult to identify, while on the shore of Lake Terlago and Lamar, visitors can admire the so-called "lore," natural cavities that discharge the lake water underground.

A great variety of flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of Cadine are equally worthy of mention. On the north-facing slopes of Mount Bondone there are numerous streams and torrents, while the southernmost areas are characterized by broad-leaved forests and black pine and Scots pine forests.

Moreover, in the more humid forests it is possible to admire beech, chestnut, red and white fir, and larch. Of particular importance are also the orchids, some species of which can be seen during summer walks.

Events and traditions

Cadine is a town rich in events and traditions, which take place mainly during the summer season. Among the not-to-be-missed appointments are the polenta festival, held every year in August, and the patronal feast of the Madonna Vergine Addolorata, which is celebrated on the first Saturday of September.

In addition, numerous treks and walks are organized throughout the year, allowing tourists to admire the natural beauty of this unique territory.


In summary, Cadine is a town that really deserves to be visited, both for the beauty of its natural landscapes and for the richness of its traditions. If you are looking for a peaceful and tranquil corner immersed in nature, Cadine is the perfect destination for you.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022