
Greetings and Introduction

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about the small town of Tregnago, located in the province of Verona in Veneto. With its 4895 inhabitants, Tregnago is part of the Lessinia and Val d'Illasi Mountain Community. It is a very picturesque city with many things to offer. Keep reading to find out more!

The physical geography of Tregnago

Tregnago is located in the Val d'Illasi, about 26 km from Verona, at the foot of the Lessini Mountains. The municipal territory is delimited by the cities of Badia Calavena, Vestenanova, San Giovanni Ilarione, Cazzano di Tramigna, Illasi, Mezzane di Sotto, Verona, and San Mauro di Saline. The city has two main roads, the ancient via Maestra and the ancient via Pezzòlo, along which the farmhouses have arisen. The villas built by families from the city, on the other hand, face south and create the alleys that connect the two main streets. Outside the city, the agricultural landscape of the Illasi Valley is an important symbol of the interaction between man and the land. Tregnago, unlike the rest of the valley, has always had an abundance of water thanks to the three small streams that converge in its territory. The center of the city has retained its characteristics of the past, with its three churches, of which the parish and ancient pieve and that of the Discipline or San Martino are still located to the north in a peripheral position.

Tregnago: A picturesque town in the Lessini Mountains.

The Etymology of Tregnago

The name Tregnago has generated much discussion. Some suggest that it derives from the Latin name Trinius, Ternius, or Terinius, while others claim that it comes from Traniacus, which indicates the presence on the territory of three castles: those of Tregnago, Cogollo, and Marcemigo. Some believe that the name derives from Terminiacum or Terminiacus, which indicates the term, boundary, or end of the Roman Empire. Despite this, archaeological remains from the Roman era are not very present. We therefore focus on when the name appeared in writings, documents, or notary deeds, in the Middle Ages.

The Importance of Water in Tregnago

Tregnago has been fortunate to have an abundance of water for centuries. The ancient fountains of the city, which were usually used to water the animals and wash the laundry, are a testament to this. Drinking water was supplied to the village in the past from various sources, including that of Pisocco, which was already channeled at the beginning of the 16th century. Despite the town enjoying sufficient water, the streams that disperse due to their inability to reach the Progno have created puddles and swampy areas on the territory.


In conclusion, Tregnago is a unique city with many interesting and unique characteristics. Its location at the foot of the Lessini Mountains and the abundance of water are just some of the reasons why it is worth visiting this city. I hope that this article has provided you with some interesting information about Tregnago and inspired you to visit it. Thank you for reading me, and I hope to see you soon in Tregnago!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Sunday, Dec 25, 2022