
Let's discover Trecenta together

Hello friends! Today I will talk to you about Trecenta, a small municipality in the Veneto region that, despite its modest population of about 2533 inhabitants, preserves historical and artistic treasures of great value.


Like many other Italian towns, Trecenta has ancient origins dating back to Roman times. Initially known as Annejanum, it was a Roman military camp located 130 miles from Rimini. Over the centuries, the city was sacked by several barbarian tribes and came under the dominion of the Papacy in the 9th century. In the following centuries, Trecenta was contested by the various lords who governed the region, including the Dukes of Este and the Church.

During the 19th century, the village was the scene of important political and social events, such as the founding of a branch of the Carbonari movement and the arrival of the doctor Nicola Badaloni, who worked for the redemption of farm laborers after the Adige River flood of 1882. In the course of the 20th century, Trecenta saw migration flows towards South America after the flood of 1951.

Three hundred: historical and artistic treasures.

Monuments and places of interest

But let's now move on to the artistic treasures of Trecenta, which are many and of great beauty. Among the religious architectures, one of the most beautiful churches is the Church of San Giorgio Martire, one of the largest and most harmonious churches in the province, built in the 17th century according to Santini's design and part of the Ferrarese Baroque architecture of the 18th century. Inside, there are three paintings attributed to Carlo Bononi and a painting by Giuseppe Mazzuoli depicting Saint Eligius bishop adoring the crucified Christ.

Other places of worship to see are the Oratory of the Blessed Virgin of Consolation, also known as Santa Chiara, the Church of San Maurelio in Sariano with frescoes from the 1300s attributed to Giotto's school and others dating back to the 1400s and 1500s, and the Church of San Girolamo in Pissatola, which houses a baptismal font with relief works by Gino Bombonato.


So here is a brief tour of Trecenta, a town with a millennial history and a beautiful artistic heritage. Do not be intimidated by its modest size: if you are in the area, it is worth a visit to discover its hidden beauties. I hope to have piqued your curiosity and I will be waiting for you with another story for the next adventures!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Sunday, Aug 7, 2022