
Exploring Sant'Ambrogio di Grion

If you're searching for an authentic corner of the Padua province, the hamlet of Sant'Ambrogio di Grion might be just what you're looking for. Located halfway between the Venetian lagoon and the springs line, this geographical area boasts a wide variety of waterways that make it particularly attractive from a naturalistic standpoint.

The Location of Sant'Ambrogio di Grion

Politically speaking, Sant'Ambrogio di Grion is situated in the northeastern part of the Padua province, bordering on the provinces of Treviso and Venice. Its central location makes it easily accessible from many other locations throughout the region.

Discovering Sant'Ambrogio di Grion: an authentic corner of the province of Padua.

The Importance of Hydrography

One of the most interesting natural features of Sant'Ambrogio di Grion is the large number of springs located within it. The hamlet is crossed by the Sant'Ambrogio stream (known as the "Storto" stream within the consortium), the Dese river, and many other waterways, such as the "piovega" stream of the Three Municipalities. Along the course of the Dese river, visitors can admire the remains of ancient water mills, which today constitute an important cultural heritage site of the area.

The Dese River

The Dese river is one of the main watercourses of Sant'Ambrogio di Grion. Originally from Treviso province, the river currently also receives water from Castelfranco Veneto. Along its course, many water mills can be found, some of which have been preserved over the centuries. The Zanini, Bellato, Gumierato, and Barbiero mills are examples of how the local community has been able to make use of the natural resources of the area for their productive activities.

The Natural Beauty of Sant'Ambrogio di Grion

The area between the Zanini mill and the Sant'Ambrogio meadows constitutes an important natural area that deserves to be visited. Here, visitors can admire the beauty of the landscape and watercourses, enjoy the tranquility of the countryside, and take long bike rides. Although the Sant'Ambrogio meadows have been partially compromised by agricultural work, the beauty of the area remains intact and continues to be a draw for tourists and visitors.


Sant'Ambrogio di Grion is a distinctive hamlet of the Padua province. Thanks to its central location and the presence of numerous watercourses, the area constitutes an interesting tourist destination for those who love nature and the tranquility of the countryside. If you're looking for an authentic location in which to enjoy the beauty of the Venetian landscape, Sant'Ambrogio di Grion might be just the place for you.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Feb 28, 2022