
Fossalta: an adorable hamlet in Trebaseleghe

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Fossalta, a lovely hamlet in the Municipality of Trebaseleghe, located in the province of Padova, in the northeast of Italy. Basically, Fossalta is located halfway between the liquidity of the Venice Lagoon and the coastal area of the resurgence, an area between the Brenta river and the Piave river.


One of the distinctive features of Fossalta is its contact with water. The area is very rich in springs, and the landscape is crossed by numerous watercourses called "pioveghe" in Venetian, the local language. In addition, the Marzenego, one of the main rivers in the area, passes through Fossalta.

Fossalta: a historic and natural gem between Padua and Venice


Fossalta is a hamlet rich in history, and there are many testimonies of the past that can still be appreciated today. In particular, the archive of the parish church contains documents dating back to the 15th century, which mainly concern the financial management of the church itself. The territory of Fossalta has been the subject of conflict between the inhabitants of Treviso and Padova in the past, but there are also links with the Roman era. For example, an amphora dating back to the 5th century AD was found, which is believed to be connected to the centuriated agro of Borgoricco, located nearby.

The oldest documents

In the parish archive of Fossalta, there are also parchments dating back to the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries: they are not easy to read, but they are interesting testimonies of the religious and social life of the time. Among the oldest documents that are preserved, some parchments relating to the posting of sheep and the construction of the high altar of the church are noteworthy, but there are also bequests in favor of the church itself.


Demographic evolution

The population of Fossalta has grown a lot over the course of history: in the 1600s, it counted around 200 people, while today it reaches about 1240. Although the village is relatively small, the community is very active, and many social activities are organized.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite its millenary history, Fossalta does not have many monuments, and many of those that once existed have been demolished or abandoned. However, there are still some interesting places, such as the old manor houses of the Gastaldi in Cà Donada and Cà Carnielli and the ancient cattle shed in Cà Dandolo. In any case, the real treasure of Fossalta is its people, who strive every day to keep the heart of the community alive. Come and visit us, you will be welcome!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Feb 28, 2022