
Welcome to Trebaseleghe!

Hello everyone! Today, we will talk about Trebaseleghe, a municipality in Veneto located in the province of Padua. With its 12,827 inhabitants, it is an area rich in water, surrounded by the rivers Dese, Draganziolo, and Marzenego, and bordered by the provinces of Venice and Treviso. Let's take a closer look!

The geography of Trebaseleghe

Trebaseleghe is a municipality situated in the northeastern part of the province of Padua, composed of 3 hamlets, Sant'Ambrogio, Silvelle, and Fossalta, as well as a locality, Bordugo. It is characterized by the presence of several springs and rivers that make the landscape green and relaxing. The surrounding area offers numerous opportunities for nature lovers: mountain walks, bike rides, visits to natural parks, or just an evening stroll along the rivers are just some of the activities one can do here.

Trebaseleghe: nature and history in the heart of Veneto.

Origins of the name

The name of the municipality, clearly of Venetian origin, seems to be connected to the presence of three sacred places. However, there are several interpretations of the toponym. Others argue that the name derives from "tre vichi," which means "three villages." In any case, it seems that the presence of three anthropic nuclei - the castle, the parish church, and the village - constituted the nucleus around which the area developed.

The history of Trebaseleghe

Trebaseleghe has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by numerous ancient artifacts from the Roman era and the mentions of Plebem de Tribus Basilicis in papal documents of the 12th century. In the Middle Ages, Trebaseleghe was often the target of terrible battles. Only with the arrival of the Serenissima, starting from the 14th century, did the area experience a certain stability that allowed the development of the town. Over the centuries, the municipality underwent numerous invasions and went through various phases of expansion and decline. However, starting from the 18th century, there was a constant development in the territory until its territorial expansion.


In conclusion, Trebaseleghe is a town characterized by the presence of water and natural resources that stretches over an area in the province of Padua. There are numerous activities available for anyone who wants to enjoy nature or learn about the history of the town. In any case, Trebaseleghe is an ideal place for a relaxing visit among the beauties of Veneto. Thank you for reading this article, and we hope you can visit our town!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Feb 28, 2022