
Discovering Trasacco!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Trasacco, a beautiful town in the province of L'Aquila, located in Abruzzo. Trasacco has about 5902 inhabitants and is located on the southern slope of the former Fucino riverbed. Its position at the foot of Mount Labbrone (1099) makes it a fascinating place full of history.

Physical Geography

Trasacco is surrounded by mountains that separate it from neighboring towns such as Luco dei Marsi and Collelongo. The territory of Trasacco is located at the entrance of the Vallelonga, a beautiful southern spur of Marsica, located within the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park. The Roveto valley separates the mountainous territory of Trasacco from the plain of Fucino.

Trasacco: nature, history and authentic flavors!

Origin of Name

The name Trasacco derives from the Latin term Transaquas, which means "beyond the waters". This name is related to its geographical position with respect to Lake Fucino and the Roman municipality of Marruvio, located near the contemporary San Benedetto dei Marsi. The oldest nucleus of the territory dating back to the Italics was probably called Supna(s), while the historic center of Trasacco insists on some necropolises from the Roman Republic and Roman Empire era.


The origins of Trasacco are ancient and lost in Roman history. The fortified Italics center of Supna(s) was located on Mount Alto, but subsequently the inhabitants built the vicus called Supinum. Trasacco was called Transaquas on the occasion of the first draining of the lake carried out between 41 and 52 AD by the emperor Claudius. The religious center of Transaquas represented a safe place from raids, but during the third century, in the Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, Cesidio and his spiritual leaders were slaughtered. In the Middle Ages, new homes were built around the mother church.

Places of Interest

Trasacco offers many tourist attractions, such as the Basilica of Saints Cesidio and Rufino, which preserves some Romanesque carved slabs. The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta is a beautiful example of medieval religious architecture. The ruins of the Trasacco castle testify to the presence of a fortress in the territory, which was once strategically important. Lake Fucino is certainly one of the most beautiful places to visit, thanks to the new draining that took place in the 19th century. Another must-visit destination is the Lavino waterfall, a little natural paradise located in the Vallelonga above Trasacco where you can not only enjoy the beauty of the creek but also take a relaxing hike.

Local Cuisine

Among the culinary specialties of Trasacco, one cannot fail to mention Russian Saffron, a variety of beans that is cultivated only in this territory. Pecorino cheese and sheep meat are typical products of the area.


In conclusion, Trasacco is a charming place where nature and history blend harmoniously. The city offers many tourist attractions and a rich and fascinating cultural heritage. If you find yourself in Abruzzo, you cannot miss the visit of this beautiful town!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Jul 31, 2022