Torre Santa Susanna

Discovering Torre Santa Susanna, a town in Puglia

If you're planning a visit to Puglia, Torre Santa Susanna is a town that deserves to be visited. We're here to tell you a bit about its history, monuments, and places of interest.

Physical geography

The town is located in the center of the Salento peninsula, at an altitude of 70 meters above sea level, and is equidistant from the Adriatic and Ionian coasts. This makes it a strategic point for beach lovers, who can easily reach both coasts in a short time.

Tower of Santa Susanna: History, Monuments, and Beaches of Puglia


The origins of Torre Santa Susanna are uncertain, but according to legend, its name is due to the presence of a tower built by the prefect of Rome to fortify the city of Oria so that it would not suffer further enemy attacks. The name "Santa Susanna" instead derives from the image of this saint, painted on a wall of the tower by a Christian Roman soldier. Around the tower, clusters of huts formed, which became the inhabited center of Torre Santa Susanna.


The coat of arms of the town of Torre Santa Susanna was recognized by a decree of the head of government on January 21, 1943. The banner is a yellow drape.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the most interesting monuments of Torre Santa Susanna is the Baronial Palace, also known as the Castle, which was built in the sixteenth century and belonged to the Filo della Torre counts. The castle has an irregular square plan with rectangular corner towers and a rustic portal. The interior is decorated with a cloister and a noble chapel.


The history of Torre Santa Susanna is fascinating and its monuments are rich in history and art. This town in Puglia is a perfect place for beach lovers, but also for those who want to discover the beauty of the Salento landscapes. There's nothing better than getting lost in its streets and discovering all its secrets.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, Sep 8, 2022