Torre Mondovì

The Story of Torre Mondovì

Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about the history of Torre Mondovì, or as it is said in Piedmontese, La Tor dël Mondvì. This municipality, located in the province of Cuneo, has a long history that dates back to the Roman era. In fact, some remains of this civilization have been found.

However, the first known document dates back to 1159, a donation deed to the bishop of Asti. Over the centuries, while maintaining Asti's jurisdiction, Torre Mondovì had various feudal lords, including the Lords of Carassone, the Marquis of Ceva, and the Vasco family.

The Society of Torre Mondovì

Let's now turn to the society of Torre Mondovì, which currently has a population of 497. Over time, the demography of the town has undergone changes, but it has always remained a small and very picturesque mountain village.

Mondovì Tower: history, society and economy of a small mountain village.

The Economy of Torre Mondovì

From an economic point of view, Torre Mondovì has a small papermaking industry located in the plain of San Gottardo. In the past, there was another iron industry and a glassworks for the production of bottles in the town, but the latter then transformed into a paper mill.

The Administration of Torre Mondovì

Let's now turn to the administration of Torre Mondovì, which was part of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese mountain community.

Conclusions and External Links

And with this, we have concluded our tour of Torre Mondovì! If you want to learn more about the town, I leave you the link to the official website of the municipality. See you soon!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Nov 6, 2022