Torre Bormida

Welcome to Torre Bormida!

Hello everyone! Today we want to talk to you about Torre Bormida, a small town with only 164 inhabitants in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont. Despite its small size, this town has a lot to offer, both culturally and scenically. In this summary, we will tell you about some interesting facts about Torre Bormida: read on with us!


Discover the wonders of Torre Bormida.

Demographic Evolution

Although it is a very small town, Torre Bormida has a long history. The population has undergone numerous changes over the years. In 1861 the town had 527 inhabitants, to which another 38 were added in 1936. However, in the following years, the number of inhabitants gradually decreased, until it reached only 164 recorded in 2021.


Now we move on to the more "institutional" part of our summary: the administration of the municipality of Torre Bormida. Over the years, several administrations have followed one another: here is a table to better understand.

|Period|Mayor| |---|---| |since 2004|Franco Gilardi| |since 1999|Vittorio Federico| |since 1985|Egidio Gilardi| |since 1975|Gianfranco Ravera| |since 1951|Giuseppe Oddenino|

Other administrative information

From an administrative point of view, Torre Bormida is part of the Alta Langa and Langa delle Valli Bormida e Uzzone mountain community. The town does not have its own mayor, but is administered by the municipality of Priero.


Before concluding, some curious notes about Torre Bormida. The town is known for being the birthplace of Filippo Cavallini, a famous violinist who lived in the 18th century. In addition, although it is a small town, Torre Bormida boasts a rich culinary tradition: among the typical dishes are "tajarin", a kind of homemade tagliatelle, and "torta di nocciole", a hazelnut cake.

Other Projects

Are you intrigued by Torre Bormida and would like to know more? You can consult the website of the municipality, where you will find useful information about the history of the town and the events organized by its inhabitants. In addition, on the internet you can find various videos and photos that will make you discover the scenic beauty of this small town.

External links

Finally, we invite you to visit the website of the municipality of Torre Bormida for more information on the possibilities offered by this town. If you are looking for a quiet place to spend your holidays, Torre Bormida is definitely a destination to consider!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Jul 31, 2022