
Welcome to Tornolo, a mountainous town in Parma

Welcome to Tornolo, a mountainous town situated in the province of Parma, in Emilia-Romagna. With a population of about 901 inhabitants, Tornolo is famous for being the town closest to the Ligurian Sea and for its location in the Taro Valley. In this summary, we will explore the physical geography, climate and main tourist attractions of this lovely Italian town.

Physical geography

The municipal territory develops around the Taro river, which has always played a primary role in the economy of the area, not only for fishing but also because it provides electricity through the hydroelectric plant of Strinabecco. The town is entirely mountainous, with notable differences in altitude that range from 475 meters along the Taro river at the border with the town of Bedonia to 1,735 meters at the peak of Mount Penna.

The town center is located at an altitude of 620 meters above sea level in a panoramic position just south of the Taro river. The shape of the municipal territory is peculiar, resembling the wings of a butterfly: the eastern part includes the town center and the hamlets of Tarsogno and Casale Val Taro, while the west part, bordering the metropolitan city of Genoa, includes the hamlet of Santa Maria del Taro.

The territory is largely covered with forests, leaving space for cultivation only near the inhabited centers and at lower altitudes. Tornolo is part of the Valli del Taro and del Ceno Mountain Community together with other municipalities in Parma and is part of the gastronomic itinerary of the Strada del Fungo di Borgotaro.

Tornolo, the mountainous municipality in the Taro Valley (Parma)


Tornolo's climate is warm and temperate, characterized by rather cold winters and hot summers. The average annual temperature is about 11.3°C, with the hottest month, July, having an average of 20.7°C, and the coldest month, January, having an average of 2.2°C. The average annual rainfall is around 913 mm, with the most intense precipitation occurring in autumn, especially in October and November, while the driest period is summer.

Tourist attractions

Tornolo offers many tourist attractions for hiking, trekking, and outdoor sports enthusiasts. The Taro valley is indeed a true paradise for nature lovers, with hiking trails winding through forests, mountains, streams, and waterfalls.

Among the main attractions is Mount Penna, the highest peak in the municipal territory, which offers a breathtaking view of the Apuan Alps and the Ligurian Sea. Also, in the hamlet of Santa Maria del Taro, visitors can see the sources of the Taro River, which represent one of the most suggestive places in the area.

In general, Tornolo is an ideal place for those seeking peace and tranquility, away from the chaos of the city. Its relaxed atmosphere and the beauty of the Emilia-Romagna hinterland make it a perfect destination for a break from the frenzy of daily life.


In conclusion, Tornolo is a mountainous town that offers many tourist attractions for nature lovers. Located in the Taro Valley, with a panoramic position just south of the Taro river, the municipal territory is entirely mountainous, covered with forests and with notable differences in altitude.

The warm and temperate climate makes Tornolo a perfect destination for summer vacations, while the breathtaking landscape of Mount Penna and the sources of the Taro River make it a perfect destination for hiking. If you are looking for a getaway from the city and a true immersion in nature, Tornolo may be the ideal destination for you.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022