
Hello friends! Let me tell you about Tornata!

Tornata, with its delightful village and Cremonese dialect, is an Italian municipality located in the Lombardy region. Here I will tell you about its history, places of interest, society, and some curiosities.

The history of Tornata

The history of Tornata is very interesting. The Municipality's coat of arms was granted by decree in 2005 by the President of the Italian Republic. It is a classic-shaped coat of arms with four counterposed fields, representing the historical past and typical activities of the area. The banner is a yellow cloth, representing the kindness and hospitality of the Tornata community.

Discover Tornata: history, monuments, and curiosities of the Lombard municipality.

Monuments and places of interest

Tornata may be small, but it is full of surprises for visitors to its village. The Church of Sant'Antonio Abate and Sant'Ambrogio Vescovo is the main religious monument in the village. The church is beautiful with its classical architecture and artwork found inside. It is worth visiting to discover the beauty and history of the Municipality.

Tornata's society

The demographic evolution of Tornata is quite stable and within the average of neighboring provinces. The Cremonese community of Tornata is very active and close to traditions. The Cremonese dialect is regularly used in everyday conversations, and the connection with the rural culture of the area is still very strong. Furthermore, the people of Tornata love country festivals, like Carnival or the Feast of Patron Sant'Antonio Abate.

Other curiosities about Tornata

The Municipality of Tornata is surrounded by fields of cereals and small green hills. It is a peaceful and welcoming village where peace and tranquility are paramount. The area is also famous for the production of local cheeses and cured meats, which are delicious and known throughout the region.

How to discover more about Tornata

If you desire to discover more about Tornata, I recommend visiting the official websites of the Municipality. Here you will find information on monuments, events, and the activities of the area. Furthermore, you can find a list of useful contacts and numbers if you decide to visit the Municipality or move here.

In summary, Tornata is a very interesting Italian Municipality with a rich history, places of interest to visit, and a welcoming community. I recommend visiting this splendid Lombard area when you have the chance. You won't regret it!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, May 28, 2022