
Welcome to Torchiara!

Hi everyone! Today I'll be talking about Torchiara, a small municipality located in the province of Salerno, in Campania, that has about 1800 inhabitants. Torchiara is located in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, and offers a splendid view of the Gulf of Salerno, the Sele plain, the Amalfi coast and the island of Capri.

Physical geography

Discover Torchiara: history, beauty, and festivals!


The hills of Torchiara are part of the Monte Stella group and make up the north-western slope of the Alento valley. The village of Torchiara is divided into two parts, Soprana and Sottana, and also has two hamlets, Copersito and Sant'Antuono. The various neighborhoods are named after local owners or localities, such as La Croce, Le Case Bianche and Il Serrone.


The climate in Torchiara is rather temperate, with an average temperature of +6.8°C in January and +24.4°C in August.


The name Torchiara may derive from the presence of a press for squeezing grapes in the area or from the presence of a "clara" tower in the area. The history of Torchiara has been influenced by the ownership changes between the various feudal lords of the area. In 1535, the last prince of Salerno sold the fief of Torchiara for 5500 ducats to Francesco De Ruggiero of Salerno. The fief remained in the family until the 19th century when it was sold together with the fief of Copersito to Marfisia del Vecchio. The De Conciliis barons then owned it until the early 19th century.

In the 19th century, Torchiara actively participated in the insurrectional movements for the unification of Italy. Some citizens distinguished themselves in the local revolt against the monarchs of the time, including Gian Battista Riccio and the brothers Angelo and Carlo Pavone.

What to see in Torchiara

If you decide to visit Torchiara, you can admire the beauty of the village that still preserves traces of the past such as the Castle, the Church of San Giovanni Battista and Palazzo Del Vecchio. The Castle dates back to the medieval period and was enlarged in the 18th century, it is now used to celebrate cultural and artistic events. The Church of San Giovanni Battista was built in 1685 and preserves valuable artworks inside. Palazzo Del Vecchio, on the other hand, is a historic 18th-century palace that still preserves frescoes and decorations from that time.

In addition, the municipality offers numerous naturalistic paths, where you can enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park. Among the most suggestive paths, there is the one that will lead you to the top of Monte Stella, where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the surroundings.


Among the most important events in Torchiara, I would like to mention the Fusillo festival, which usually takes place at the end of August. Fusillo is a typical Cilento pasta in the shape of a spiral, and during the festival, you can taste the typical dishes of the Cilento culinary tradition, accompanied by music and shows.

How to get there

If you decide to visit Torchiara, you can easily reach it by public transport. From Salerno, for example, you can take a bus directly to Torchiara, while if you prefer to move by car, you can travel on the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, exit at Battipaglia and then continue on the SS18.

I hope this information will be useful for your visit to Torchiara. Have a great vacation!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022