Tora e Piccilli

Tora e Piccilli: a small town in Campania

Let me introduce you to Tora e Piccilli, a scattered municipality in the province of Caserta in the Campania region. With a population of 766 inhabitants, it is a peaceful and green place located along the slopes of the Roccamonfina volcano, an ancient eruptive zone that became extinct about 23 centuries ago. According to legend, the Samnites founded the first nucleus of fortified buildings in this area and called it Rufrae. Later, the Roman army conquered Rufrae and the rest of Campania, beginning the colonization of the territory.

Symbols and honors

The coat of arms and the banner of Tora e Piccilli were granted by decree of the President of the Italian Republic in 1987. The banner is a yellow and red divided flag, while the coat of arms consists of a castle on a blue background, a golden sun, a black bee and a branch of oak with three golden acorns. Tora e Piccilli has also received some honors, such as the silver medal of civil merit for hosting several families evacuated from the city of Naples during World War II.

Tora and Piccilli: medieval treasures and natural beauties.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite its small size, Tora e Piccilli has some monuments and places of interest worth visiting. One of the most famous is the medieval tower, built in the 11th century and used as a defensive outpost for the city of Presenzano. The Church of San Giovanni Apostolo, located in the Piccilli fraction, is a perfect example of Baroque architecture, while the Church of San Simeone, in the historic center of Tora, dates back to the 14th century and preserves some valuable works of art. Finally, you cannot miss the paleontological site called Ciampate del Diavolo, which hosts the famous dinosaur footprints.

Society and events

The demography of Tora e Piccilli has remained relatively stable over the years, although, like many other parts of Campania, many young people have moved to the cities in search of better job opportunities. However, the local community is very active and organizes several festivals and events throughout the year. Some of the most important are the Feast of Sant'Antonio, the Feast of San Giovanni Apostolo, the Feast of San Simeone and the Siege of the Norman Tower, a medieval festival that celebrates the history of Tora e Piccilli. The inhabitants of the municipality have also organized "Natale al Borgo," a traditional Santa Lucia fair.

Administration and more

Tora e Piccilli is governed by a mayor and a city council, which deal with the administration and management of municipal affairs. On the municipality's website, you can find information on council activities, development areas, and tourism initiatives. So if you're looking for a peaceful and nature-filled place with a fascinating history and a strong sense of community, Tora e Piccilli is the right place for you. Do not hesitate to visit this Campanian municipality and discover its hidden beauties.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Saturday, Mar 12, 2022