
A bit of history about Tonengo

Hi friends, today I'd like to share with you some curiosities about the hamlet of Tonengo, located in the province of Asti in Piedmont. Tonengo has ancient origins and, according to some scholars, it may have been founded by the Cimbri. In the past, it was located along a Roman road that connected Hasta to Industria, a Roman colony. In 770, Tonengo was already a village of some importance, so much so that Emperor Charlemagne gave it as a feud to the Count of Cocconato. Later, it became part of the Marquisate of Monferrato and experienced several vicissitudes, such as the war between the Astese Republic and the Marquis of Monferrato in 1292. Over the centuries, it passed into the hands of the Lords of Gattinara and Settimo, until it became part of the Duchy of Savoy in 1691. In the period following World War II, Tonengo became an autonomous municipality once again.

The coat of arms and flag of Tonengo

Since Tonengo became an autonomous municipality, it has adopted a coat of arms and a flag. The coat of arms was granted by the decree of the President of the Republic of 2 April 1990, while the flag is a split drapery of blue and white.

Tonengo: history and treasures to discover.

The Church of San Michele

If you visited Tonengo, I would recommend taking a walk to the hamlet of Ottini, where the Church of San Michele stands. This beautiful building dates back to the twelfth century and is one of the most important monuments of the municipality. The Church of San Michele stands on an isolated hill and its apse is embellished with hanging arches and divided into three bays with small multi-arched windows. The masonry of the sides alternates bands of brick with bands of sandstone. Recently, it has been renovated and an open green area with illustrative signs for visitors has been created around it.

The resident population of Tonengo

Over the last hundred years, Tonengo has experienced a strong depopulation: its resident population has decreased by 50% from 1921 to today. Nonetheless, Tonengo continues to be a pleasant and evocative place, with many monuments and places of interest that are worth visiting.

The administration of Tonengo

For many years, Tonengo has been an autonomous municipality, but from January 1, 2023, it will merge with the municipality of Moransengo to form the new municipality of Moransengo-Tonengo. Over the years, several mayors have succeeded each other at the helm of the municipality and their history has been collected in a table that you can consult.


In short, Tonengo is a place full of history and traditions that is worth visiting. If you are passionate about art and culture, the Church of San Michele will surely fascinate you, while if you want to enjoy the surrounding landscape, you can take a walk in the open air. Tonengo is a municipality that has undergone many transformations over the years, but its charm and beauty have remained unchanged. I hope my information has piqued your curiosity and that you will want to visit Tonengo as soon as possible!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022