
Potenza: the Vertical City in the Beautiful Region of Basilicata

Potenza is a city located in the upper Basento valley, known as the "vertical city" for its unique urban structure. It is located in Basilicata, the Italian region famous for the Pollino National Park, its pristine beaches on the Ionian coast, and its traditional culture. In this article, we will explore the physical geography of Potenza, its history, and its unique lifestyle.

Physical Geography

Potenza: the vertical city of Basilicata


Potenza is located on the backbone of the Lucanian Dolomites, on a relief that reaches 819 meters above sea level. The rest of the city gradually descends, with the more modern neighborhoods extending down to the Basento riverbed. This geographic location makes Potenza very subject to earthquakes.


The climate of Potenza is Mediterranean, with cold and snowy winters and mild and dry summers. During the month of January, the average temperature hovers around +3.5°C, while in the warmest months of July and August, temperatures exceed +20°C.

Origin of the Name

The origin of the name Potenza is uncertain. According to one theory, the name derives from the ancient Greek term "Potizo," meaning "to drink," as the ancient Greek colonizers noticed that the locals drank water from the nearby Basento river.


The city of Potenza has a very ancient history. During the Roman era, it was an important commercial center due to its strategic location between northern and southern Italy. In the Middle Ages, the Cathedral of San Gerardo, the patron saint of the city, was founded, which became an important religious center. In modern times, Potenza became the capital of the region in 1806, and in the 1950s and 1960s, it developed significantly thanks to the advent of industry. In 1980, the city was hit by a devastating earthquake that caused serious damage and deaths, but the unity of the inhabitants and the reconstruction work led to a renewal of the city.

Culture and Entertainment

Potenza is a lively city, with many options for culture, entertainment, and nightlife. The historic center, known as "Potenza Vecchia," is the ideal place to stroll through the alleys, discover ancient churches, and museums. Potenza also hosts important cultural events such as the "Festival delle Settimane Musicali," which attracts internationally renowned musicians. Additionally, Potenza is famous for its food, with typical dishes such as "Lucanica," a local sausage, and "pitta 'mpigliata," a typical dessert of the region.


Potenza is well connected to the rest of Italy by the A3 Naples-Reggio Calabria highway and the Adriatic railway line. The city also has a well-developed public transport system, with buses and urban trains covering the entire urban and metropolitan area.

In conclusion, Potenza is a fascinating city that deserves to be visited. Its unique geographic location, history, and culture make it an ideal place to explore Basilicata and experience an authentic taste of Italy.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Saturday, Jan 8, 2022