
Welcome to Tolmezzo!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Tolmezzo, an Italian town with a population of approximately 9860 people, located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in the northeast of Italy. Tolmezzo is the most important center of Carnia and is therefore considered its capital.

Physical geography

Tolmezzo is located at the foot of Mount Strabut, surrounded by the Eastern Tolmezzine Alps. The location of Tolmezzo is very favorable: the valley is in fact crossed by the via Iulia Augusta, which leads to Austria through the Carnic Alps. The symbol of Tolmezzo is Mount Amariana (1906 m), a beautiful mountain that rises above the city in the shape of a pyramid.

The climate of Tolmezzo is pre-alpine-continental with cold winters and sometimes very snowy and hot summers with frequent thunderstorms, abundant annual rainfall especially in the middle seasons.

Discover Tolmezzo: between history, nature and traditions!


The first historical records of Tolmezzo date back to the end of the first millennium, in a document appearing with the name ''Tulmentium'' and it is included among the fiefs of the Patriarchate of Aquileia. It is thought that the town is older and that it originated from a small village dating back to the pre-Roman era.

Under the Patriarchate of Aquileia between 1077 and 1420, Tolmezzo experienced prosperous years of development not only economically but also socially. The Patriarchs built a castle (of which some remains can still be admired today) that dominated the valley, where commercial traffic was controlled and protection was given to the inhabitants.

In 1356 Tolmezzo became the capital of Carnia by the Patriarch Nicola of Luxembourg, who divided the territory into four administrative districts: Gorto, Socchieve, Tolmezzo, and San Pietro.

In the Middle Ages, around 1400, Tolmezzo was an active fortified town, the high walls that surround it are equipped with 18 towers and four gates that allowed access to the city.

Monuments and places of interest

Tolmezzo is a small town rich in monuments and places of interest. Some of these are:

Culture and traditions

Tolmezzo has a strong Carnic culture and tradition. Friulian and Slovenian are still spoken here and the city is famous for its local products such as formadi frant, a cheese made from mixed cow and sheep's milk, ham, and sausages.

Every year in Tolmezzo, various cultural events take place, including the Fiera di San Simone, the Festa dei Mitrut, the Sagra delle Fragole, and the Sagra del Formaggio.

Sports and nature

Tolmezzo is a city immersed in nature and is loved by outdoor sports enthusiasts. Here you can go hiking, mountain biking, climbing, skiing, and much more. The surrounding area also offers numerous opportunities for those who love fishing, rafting, and kayaking.


Tolmezzo is a city that offers many activities and opportunities for all who visit it. Its beauty, its history, and its traditions make Tolmezzo a tourist destination worth visiting. Come and discover the beauty of Carnia and the city of Tolmezzo!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Oct 2, 2022