
The province of Macerata: a brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the province of Macerata, an Italian province located in the Marche region. With its 303,684 inhabitants, Macerata is a province worth visiting, both for its natural beauty and for its culture and tradition.

Physical geography

The province of Macerata is the largest in the Marche region, with an area of over 2,716 square kilometers. It borders other provinces in the same region, including the Province of Ancona, the Province of Ascoli Piceno, and the Province of Fermo. The territory is predominantly hilly, except for the mountainous areas of the Apennines and the Sub-Apennines.

But the province of Macerata is not just hills and mountains: to the east, it is bathed by the Adriatic Sea, which means that there are also splendid beaches and seaside resorts to visit. In addition, the jurisdiction of Macerata extends beyond the natural geographical borders of the Marche, to the territories of Valnerina.

The province of Macerata: hilly beauty and sea on the Adriatic


Many companies in the province of Macerata are small but highly specialized. However, there are also large economic sectors, such as the footwear industry. In 2006, the Bank of the Province of Macerata was established, which offers banking services to individuals and businesses in the province.

Infrastructure and Transportation

The province of Macerata is crossed by several historic roads, some of which are very ancient. One of the most important is the Via Lauretata, which connected the provinces of Umbria and Marche and passed through the famous sanctuary of the Holy House.

The Rome-Ancona railway also crosses the province of Macerata, connecting the capital with the port of Ancona. There are also other railway lines and bus services that connect the cities in the province with each other and with other cities in the region.

In conclusion, the province of Macerata offers visitors a wide range of attractions, from the natural beauty of its hills and mountains to the richness of its culture and tradition. If you have the opportunity to visit the Marche region, don't forget to make a stop in Macerata and explore the surrounding province.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Saturday, Dec 10, 2022