
Carpe: a historic town in Liguria

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Carpe, a small hamlet located in the municipality of Toirano, in the province of Savona, which was an autonomous municipality until 1869.


The town of Carpe has very ancient roots. The first nucleus of the town probably arose in the medieval period near the parish church of San Bernardo. We know that in the past, Carpe was a fiefdom under the authority of the Del Carretto marquisate and then as imperial fiefdoms of the Holy Roman Empire.

Since 1735, the fractional territory of Carpe has converged in the Kingdom of Sardinia (1720-1861) under Oneglia. In 1801, it was united with the Republic of Liguria as the main center of the VI canton of Maremola in the Jurisdiction of Colombo (1803).

During the annexation to the First French Empire, the territory of Carpe from June 13th, 1805, to 1814 was included in the department of Montenotte. In 1815, the town was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia, as established by the Congress of Vienna in 1814, and later into the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) since 1861.

From 1859 to 1869, the territory was included in the VII mandamento of Loano in the Albenga district, part of the province of Genoa. In 1869, the municipality of Carpe was suppressed and merged with the municipality of Balestrino as a hamlet and in 1905 it definitively passed to the municipalities of Toirano.

Carpe: history and treasures of Liguria

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

Carpe is famous for the Parish Church of San Bernardo, a place of worship dating back to the fifteenth century. The church was dependent on the parish of Balestrino until 1605 when it was created as an independent parish.

The interior of the church consists of a single nave and preserves in the main altar inlays and the noble coats of arms of the Del Carretto marquises.


Other projects

Carpe is a hamlet worth visiting to better understand the history and architecture of the town. If you have the opportunity to visit this area, do not hesitate to do so!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Monday, Dec 5, 2022